BIGBANG T.O.P’s Past Instagram Post Hinted Relationship With Former Girl Group Trainee & Marijuana Scandal

T.O.P is under fire for his involvement in marijuana scandal. Netizens keep digging up evidence to find out if T.O.P has indeed been consuming marijuana. One of T.O.P's past post on Instagram somehow intrigued fans to think that his relationship with the former girl group trainee he smoked weeds with has long begun before he was caught in the scandal.

A recent report suggests T.O.P spent his five days off on 9-14 October 2016 smoking marijuana with a former girl group trainee who remains nameless at his house in Yongsan, Seoul. Allkpop reported T.O.P is accused of smoking ground up marijuana twice and a liquefied form twice. T.O.P originally denied all the allegations until he's proven guilty a few days ago.

Netizens, however, has somehow managed to bring up a conspiracy theory over one of T.O.P's Instagram picture. The idol posted Urs Fischer's artwork of giant eyeball on his Instagram on October 11, 2016. However, the artwork doesn't necessarily concern netizens. Instead, the reflection of a woman's silhouette in the picture triggered netizens to think that she's the girl who smoked with T.O.P.

Netizens have been flooding T.O.P's social media accounts since the scandal unveiled. Many of them expressed their disappointment to T.O.P who deliberately jeopardized his own career with such scandal.

In other news, T.O.P has to face the risk of re-enlistment due to his action, Soompi reported. In light of the marijuana charges, T.O.P will most likely be sentenced to 18 months in jail. On top of that, the BIGBANG idol will be forcibly discharged from the military if he receives a sentence of over 18 months. However, if his sentence is shorter than 18 months, he will continue to finish his mandatory duty upon his release.

T.O.P has officially apologized for his wrongdoing on a handwritten letter. On his letter, T.O.P expressed his apology to fans, fellow BIGBANG members, and his family, saying he deserves to be punished. To conclude his apology letter, T.O.P promises to never make the same mistake again in the future.


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