Fans Capture Photos of This G-Friend Member Injured & Bleeding On Stage

It seems the girls of G-Friend have really been taking a beating lately. First, they caught our attention with their bruised legs and bandages but now this member was seen bleeding on stage during a performance!

During the 239 episode of 'Show Champion,' fans noticed that member Yuju was bleeding while performing their recent comeback "Love Whisper." The blood could be seen trickling down her shin and left ankle.

Fans wondered if she injured her self during the performance of if she started to bleed due to her recent ankle injury. Fans expressed their concerned and immediately posted on the video upload. "Hul, I was watching the live broadcast and didn't know. She was in the center often but didn't express pain at all... Fans must be so upset TT", "Yuju's such a professional", "That must've hurt TT How did she bleed like that..'' You can see the performance in the video down below.

What do you think of poor Yuju's performance? She is tough to keep pulling through but the sight of blood does make it a little uncomfortable to watch. Stay tuned for more updates on her health and condition.


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