Black Pink Say YG Restricts Them From Doing These Fun Things

Over the years YG Entertainment has been known to keep a tight leash on their artists - and the popular but young rookies of Black Pink are no exception!

The girl group appeared on an episode of JYP's 'Party People' and revealed how they are treated and managed under YG. So far, the girls had this to say about the restrictions they face as young idols.

As expected, the girls are not allowed to be drinking or smoking (there are too young anyways!) and aren't allowed to go to any clubs either. What really shocked fans the most is the fact that they weren't allowed to get tattoos, perform any cosmetic enhancements or surgeries of their choice and weren't even allowed to drive!

To think we thought our parents were harsh! However, the girls didn't seem uncomfortable or bothered by these limitations and easily expressed that these rules can be avoided as long as YG allows it! Clever, girls! It seems the girls are just happy to be performing on stage, which can be seen from their performance on the show!

What do you think of their restrictions?

Black pink

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