Here's What Happened When Trainee Han Seo Hee Went To Court For T.O.P's Marijuana Case + Photos

On September 20th Han Seo Hee, the trainee that was involved and responsible for providing the illegal drugs in Big Bang member T.O.P's court case was seen entering the Seoul High Court to receive her final sentence.

Han Seo Hee (shown above) was responsible for providing and carrying marijuana as well as other drugs during early October of 2016 and using them with T.O.P. Before giving a final sentence, the court stated that "The crime took place for a long period of time. If you see it as a social disaster, the nature of the crime isn't light," and " The defendant has acknowledged her crime and is currently reflecting."

According to reports, her original sentencing of 4 years of probation remained along with 120 hours of drug counseling and a fine of 870,000 Won (~$767.72 USD). The prosecution asserted her sentencing was too light, and Han Seo Hee admitted her guilt and withdrew her appeal.

In the end, Han Seo Hee commented on her actions, current state and the final results of the case. "I'm very apologetic for causing a societal controversy. Something like this won't happen again. I'm currently reflecting." As for her assertions that T.O.P was the one to offer her marijuana first, she did not change her statement. She stated, "I've told the police and prosecution the same truth constantly. It just didn't make headlines, but it's something I've been consistent about. I don't have any thoughts to appeal. I've done something wrong. I'm deeply reflecting."

*Dispatch had released photos and reports regarding the case.*

Han Seo Hee

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