KARD + Other DSP Media Artists Accounts Were Hacked

It seems that DSP Media is either having some extremely odd technical difficulties or their accounts for their artists have been hacked! On September 20th, fans reported a funny change on these YouTube profiles.

Both groups KARD and A-Jax experience an issue on their official YouTube pages. Fans noticed that their group names had been written backward '젝스 에이' or 'JAX A' and '드카', which is Duka (KARD spelled backward in Korean).

But that wasn't the only change to occur - fans noticed that their profile photos had been deleted as well! Shockingly enough, no other artists were affected by the hacking and no videos were deleted, edited or modified in any way. It seems this hacker showed some mercy.

DSP Media hasn't released any official statements about the matter and have fixed the problem since. No other accounts of hacking have occurred with other agencies or artists as of yet. In other news, KARD is currently busy holding their U.S. tour and will be performing tonight in New York.

DSP Media

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