Han Seo Hee Is Angered By Netizens Asking For Drugs On Her Instagram

After her recent court hearings, Han Seo Hee has been quite vocal on Instagram lately and a majority of her actions during her live broadcastings continue to go viral. This time, the drug abusing trainee blew up on viewers after they hounded her with questions regarding drug recommendations.

During her live stream on the 26th of September, Han Seo Hee decided to discuss her current situation and an interesting offer she received after her court hearing. "I was asked to be on a variety show," she stated. It's a variety show that Heo Ji Woong is on, but I plan to reject their offer."

Soon after, fans began asking her some odd questions such as the cigarette brand she smokes and more. Soon, the questions began to get out of hand after users continued to spam her live comment feed with the words "Recommend Drugs."

In response to the comments, Han Seo Hee began cursing at netizens screaming, "You want me to recommend drugs? Do you really want me to b*tch? I really don't understand why people say things like that. It's meaningless and not funny. I mean, you really want me to? B*tch?"

She continued to finish her rant saying, "Stop talking about drugs. What if young viewers watching this learn it. You are going to turn like me if you do drugs. Don't do it." In the end, she raised her middle finger in the air and told viewers to simply "Mind your own business." In other news, the trainee had became a hot topic before after revealing she was dating T.O.P of Big Bang and stated his penis was "the size of a mac lipstick."

Han Seo Hee

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