BTS, 5th anniversary, "Thank you for being with BTS"

The group BTS celebrated their fifth anniversary and gave their appreciation to the fans.

On last 13, Jay Hop said, "Thank you for your belief and love for 5 years. I feel a lot more alive today thanks to you guys, "he said," ARMY and I will celebrate our BTS birthday, "published a self-celebrated 5th anniversary.

Following Jay Hop, Sugar also said, "Thank you, ARMY"

Ji-min said, "It's been a happy 5th anniversary since I was with ARMY for 5 years." More things will be waiting for me now and more wonderful memories will be waiting for me. I love you." He raised hopes for the activities of the BTS in the future.

Leader RM "Finally 5th Anniversary! "It's good to be with you, "he said. Jean also said, "I enjoyed it so much because of the fifth anniversary of ARMY. I'll see you again in the sixth anniversary."


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