6 Things You Should Accomplish Before You’re 30

6 Things You Should Accomplish Before You’re 30
6 Things You Should Accomplish Before You’re 30

You know what they say, 30 is the new 20. If you keep waiting for the right time, you'll never be ready. Seize the day! And all of these clichés are true, to an extent, but that doesn't mean you should still be crashing frat parties and living in a college-level apartment. It's time to start figuring things out for yourself and putting your long-awaited plans into action.

Get organized

We're not talking obsessive organization, just enough for you to live an uncluttered life. Sure, you've heard before how important it is to have a healthy work-life balance, but it truly is. You will be able to fully relax after a long day at the office if you're able to keep yourself organized enough to leave your work at the door and be fully present in your home-life when you arrive.

Start saving

Throughout your 20s, it's easy to drain your savings. Between rent, car payments, student loans, and maintaining a social life, it's easy to get behind. But now is the perfect time to start over. It's the beginning of a new, financially stable era. Start saving for real, start your 401(k), and do some research on how to find a good home loan interest rate. It's time to stop apartment hopping and finally settle into your own home.

Learn to cook

The time of cheap and easy fast-food dinners is over. You need to eat a more balanced diet. Make the time to stop by the grocery store more frequently or shop around for a meal kit delivery service that will arrive on your doorstep at your convenience. Plus, it can be kind of fun to show off your impressive culinary skills.

Keep up with friends

The older you get, the more difficult it is to make friends. You don't have as much time to hang around getting to know people as you did before you had a full-time job and a family. So, keeping in contact with your college or work friends is even more critical. Growing up and moving-away makes it challenging to keep up with one another, but cellphones and social media have made it as easy as ever. If possible, try to schedule a yearly get together so you can all catch up in person.

Take a risk

That's it: Take a risk. What is risky for you? Whether it be bungee jumping, taking the stage, or pursuing a new career, do it. You'll never know what you're capable of unless you step out of your comfort zone every once in a while. All the things we've discussed above are essential to check off your things-to-do-before-you-turn-30 checklist, but the most important: Take care of yourself.

Take care of yourself

Before checking anything off your list, make sure to put yourself first. You cannot properly take care of anyone else before adequately caring for yourself. It's paramount to your success and happiness to take care of your physical and mental health. Turning 26 and getting booted off your parents' insurance may not seem all that important at the time; you're young and healthy. But medical emergencies can creep up, and medical bills are incredibly expensive. One of the biggest things you can do to take care of yourself properly is to find an affordable individual health insurance policy.

Of course, this short list is just a basic starting point for you to consider. Prioritize what is most important to you and adjust your personal list accordingly. For now, plan your party and look forward to yet another great year.

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