One of the highlights of summer is music festivals and whether you will be attending the biggest festivals in the country or checking out some of the smaller ones, there are several important tips guaranteed to keep you safe, happy, and properly fed.
To help you out this summer, we have delved back through the pages of the go-to festival guidebook to bring you some of the top tips for making it through the festival weekend. So, stay calm, get your glow sticks from Premier Glow, have the time of your life, and keep the following simple pointers in mind:
1. Take the Right Tent
Tents are obviously designed for regular camping, where '2 people' refers to the tent actually fitting 2 people perfectly, and keeping them warm, insulated, as well as cozy.
If you are going to a music festival, it can be a good idea to bring a tent that's actually bigger than your requirements (e.g. a 3-person tent) so that you may fit in all your food, clothes, and drinks and allow some additional space for sitting around when you are not in the main arena.
Ensure that you pitch the tent back at home to serve as a quick reminder before leaving for the concert, particularly if the last time you actually used it was at another festival since you can never be too sure of what you might have left behind!
2. Park for the Future
Make sure that you arrive as early as you possibly can to beat the crowds and if traveling by car, ensure that you park close to the exit as opposed to the entrance even if you are the first one to arrive. You will be thankful when the time to leave comes and you are hung-over, tired, and competing with tens of thousands of other festival attendees.
3. Pick the Right Spot
Think about proximity and what you deem to be most important. Do you want to be close to the stage? Everything will be accessible and you can easily nip to and from your tent, but it will soon be crammed with other tents and you probably won't be enjoying a quite night's sleep. Do you want to be close to the toilets? It is quite handy once the time comes, but if you are too close, you might find yourself competing with the foul odor when day 3 kicks in, so think your options through.
It can also be a good idea to check for family zones, quiet areas, and special VIP areas in advance. Before pitching the tent, ensure that you clear the floor of all sharp objects and do not get too carried away by creating an open and communal space for gathering with your friends. However, be careful not to leave a hole that's too large or you can be sure of somebody else pitching their tent in it while you are away.
4. Identify Your Tent
When you initially arrive, it might feel like you have enough space to host a soccer match, but looks can be deceiving. Keep in mind that there soon will be thousands of tents covering the entire space in their spectacular colors and designs.
In the dark and perhaps after a day or two of drinking, all tents will start looking the same in your eyes. So, always try to find a way to make yours out. You can bring a colorful flag that you aren't afraid to lose, or tie a particular type of ribbon to the top.
5. Look After Your Belongings
Locking your tent is not always the wisest idea. A tent that's locked makes it look that there could be valuables inside and somebody can easily rip through such tents using a knife. Always keep your valuables on you when out and about and sleep with them during the night. Otherwise, the simple rule is to never bring anything that you aren't ready to lose.
Don' forget to bring a portable charger for powering your phone and ensure that the one you bring can give you at least 1 full charge. Keep your eyes peeled when setting up the tent because first arrival is usually when the vast majority of thefts happen because everybody is so distracted and all your belongings are out in the open. Still, don't be scared because festival attendees are mostly good people.
6. Weather the Storm
You are probably aware of the fact that weather forecasts cannot be trusted for anything beyond a few hours in advance, so no matter how sunny the forecast is, always bring with you a pair of rubber boots in case it rains.
It can also be an excellent idea to bring a Ziploc bag for your phone and wallet too. Beyond that, simply embrace the rain and get wet. After all, you will dry off again once the sun comes out and everybody else is in the exact same situation.
7. Do Your Research
Check out the festival website before your arrival and read up on the basics. Where are you allowed to park? Where do you pick the wristbands? Are there only cash machines or is it fully cash-less with top-up chips? What is and isn't allowed on site? How much alcohol are you allowed to bring in with you? Are glass bottles even allowed?
You obviously don't want to drag a car-load of items along only to get caught out at the gates. Once you are inside, check out the band schedule and make a plan of sorts. Time flies when having fun and you obviously don't want to miss the acts you love.
8. Stock Up
Food and drink are usually quite pricey at festivals, so whenever possible, prepare some food in advance and take in as much drink as is allowed. It will all add up if you are paying for every meal, particularly on the longer weekend festivals. Bringing the Tupperware might not be the coolest thing, but you will be quite grateful once you see your bank statement afterwards.