The group Complete in X, also called as CIX, from C9 Entertainment, appeared as a guest on JTBC's "Idol Room" on December 10. The group consists of BX, Seunghun, Bae Jinyoung, Yonghee, and Hyunsuk, and they left pleasant impressions with the hosts of the show, Defconn and Jeong Hyeongdon.
Bae Jin-young, who has also appeared in "Idol Room" during his previous Wanna One career, once again came back to the show as a member of CIX. The MCs of the show asked Bae Jinyoung if he gave advice to the members, and Bae said with a smile, "They are so happy. They are kind and like good fathers."
At first, CIX appealed to the public with their strong impromptu self-introduction. Yonghee introduced himself as "the main vocalist who can melt people's eardrum," while BX also said that he is "a good leader of Low Tone voices who steals his ears."
Bae Jinyoung also appealed to the hosts of the show for his charm as "the eye-catching lovely sexy cutie," and also, Hyunsuk stressed his merits as "a coherent way of talking that makes the listener dance." Yonghee also mentioned that "every viewer has an attractive tear point that can make him cry," drawing a loud laugh from the start. CIX then surprised Donnie and Connie by saying that their leader BX does not lift the spoon until he eats.
Since then, CIX has participated in the "Idol 999" audition, and first, BX has boasted its exact duplication as individual evaluation. Bae Jinyoung exuded a powerful sense of entertainment as he appeared in the third episode of "Idol Room," and couldn't shut his mouth to anti-war charm, saying, "What do you like?"
The audition for Idol 999 soon began. BX, which introduced himself as an all-around talented self and furtherly boasted his powerful rapping and songwriting skills to the hosts of the show. Bae Jinyoung also played the mission to challenge the best of the "Jinyoung Troika."
Defconn also mentioned to the boys, "I heard that Kim Heechul picked Park Jinyoung, Hong Jinyoung, and Bae Jinyoung as the troika of the entertainment industry. How do you feel?" "I've never heard of this before," Bae Jinyoung responded. However, he was quick to accept the question, "What do you think about the genuine beauty Troika leader is Bae Jin-young?"
Bae Jinyoung won recognition for challenging the game of "Beyond Jin-young." In addition, the youngest, Hyunsuk, defined himself as an "older dancer" and expressed his love for EXO member Kai. Seunghun, as "The Next Generation of Weight," showed off his physical strength by clapping while also doing push-ups.
On the other hand, Yonghee, a former Jasago player, smiled at him for her unexpected hard-hit skills. After presenting English, Chinese, and Japanese one after another, Seung-hun boasted outstanding athletic nerves. "I finished eighth in my school when I was in middle school," Young-hee said, stressing that I was a former self-accident. He then showed off his powerful Nanta skills to the point where the North bursts.
CIX was heavily armed with colorful personal skills and entertainment. The entertainment sense of the first-class members came as a pleasant attraction, boasting the face of "all-around idol" from stage to entertainment.