BUSTER’s Label Is Under Fire Due To Latest “V Live” Broadcast Of Girl Group

BUSTER’s label is Under Fire Due to Latest “V Live” Broadcast of Girl Group

JTG Entertainment, which is the label of the Korean rookie group Buster, is currently under heavy fire, following the recently V Live broadcast done by the female members.

This is the second controversy faced by the girls and their agency, after the assault and cursing issue involving Buster's Chaeyeon, which become the reason for the other two involved personalities, the Comedian Choi Young Soo and Park Dong Geun to leave the show. Chaeyeon received some improper remarks for her age, and she was also punched in her arms by the said hosts.

Though the issue was already done, and Buster's Chaeyeon retake a step and had her appearance after the problem subsided. She also continues to promote together with her members.

And while Buster is already gaining peace again, they were involved in another issue, this time with the whole members, but the anger of the netizens and fans were aiming to their label.

On the recent video streaming through V live the 5 -member group has done, Buster's participated in a Christmas event organized by a cake party. JTG then hosted a V Live party together with their fans, while the company carried out the filming.

Buster's were enough themselves not until two Korean YouTubers joined the Christmas event, playing as the MC of the event. That's the time when the chaos started.

Fans and the few netizens that were watching the broadcast notice the awkwardness between the MC and the female members of the group, not to mention the cameras which were filming from different directions. The script was also not organized, with questions and answers simultaneously coming from Buster and the YouTubers, making the viewers not to understand a single thing.

In addition to this, netizens also noticed the uncomfortable positioning of the MCs and the members, which is making them more nervous with each other. They also looked like they were filming something sketchy. (like those girls serving older men in a club)

Furthermore, another reason why the members were not comfortable is because of their wardrobe, which is too tight and too short, which was also complained to their agency. They don't even have blankets to cover their skins as well as to keep them warm with the cold weather.

The MC seems to sense the atmosphere, ending the broadcast shortly after 15 minutes. After the show, the criticism thrown to Buster's agency circulated along with different social media sites, as well as this caused fans to demand a more appropriate treatment to the girl group, a majority of them were minors.

Netizens extend their thoughts, and some commented that JTG was treating the group very poorly, starting from Chaeyeon's controversy. The agency should focus more on the wellbeing of their artists as well as to keep in mind that Buster's members were children.

On the other hand, some fans hope that Buster would be acknowledged through their talents, just like other Korean pop bands who were dominating the industry.

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