On the first day of March, TWICE member Tzuyu faced backlash after donating in Korea to lend her hands for those infected people and affected families amidst the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
This is following the report that the female idol has donated 50 Million Won or approximately 46,000 US Dollars to the Community Chest of Korea, wherein the money donated will be used to aid the South Korean citizens who were suffering due to the virus.
Tzuyu then sent her personal encouragement as well, with her note saying, "Hoping that everyone will stay healthy."
Fans and netizens then thanked the female idol after sending her help, which is a considerable amount to help a total of more than 3,000 infected patients in South Korean as of the moment.
However, despite the good deed, Chinese netizens criticized Tzuyu after her donation in Korea, which should be given to China instead. This is for the reason that Tzuyu is a foreigner member of the popular Korean pop band, who is a Taiwanese in blood, and considered to be a Chinese citizen.
Chinese netizens then threw hate comments to the female idol because of this, pointing out that she should have helped her hometown first.
Some of the negative comments that Tzuyu received says,
"She is Chinese, right? Why can't she donate to China instead?"
"Just stay in Korea. She's absolutely crazy."
"She has donated in Korea, but not in Taiwan and China?"
Meanwhile, fans and Tzuyu's supporters were angered after criticizing the idol without them knowing anything.
Fans then pull out their receipts, proving that the idol did donate to China and Korea simultaneously; however, because the transfer was between two different countries or cross country issues, the donation was delayed a bit.
ONCEs are then demanding an apology from the Chinese netizens who criticized Tzuyu.
"Those scolded her; you should apologize to her immediately. [@ChauZoe3]"
"She also made donations in China, but as soon as the Chinese heard the news of Tzuyu donating in Korea, they were angry at her without knowing anything."
Moreover, netizens also commented that Tzuyu is a Taiwanese; therefore, it is questionable why it is needed for her to make donations in China.
"Tzuyu is Taiwanese. Why are the Chinese angry?"
It was noted that despite being under once Republic, Taiwan is its state, that's why they have their own government and rules.
In addition to this, fans are also saying that Tzuyu nor anyone has the responsibility to make donations and be questioned if they haven't made any donations yet.
"There's really no winning with donating and the public [even if] you do it secretly, you are accused of not donating or caring. If you announced it to the public, you are then accused of doing it for attention in the wrong place and wrong time."
On the other hand, there is a total of less than 89,000 who were NCOV infected people around the globe, with around 80,000 were from China and 4,000 from South Korea.