Amber poured her heart out when she sat down with People Magazine to talk about her friend Sulli's passing and the personal issues and struggles she experienced when she was promoting with f(x).

When Sulli was mentioned, Amber immediately recalled the times she spent with Sulli before she passed away.
"It was just so hard for me. I felt really mad. I am so angry at myself too because Sulli and I exchanged text messages a few weeks before the tragedy happened. It was like, 'Man, If I could have just sent her another text message, what could have happened?" The singer shared.
"Sulli was not the type of person who let things affect her. We grew up together learning that sticks and stones may break our bones, yes words do hurt but this will never hurt us. They just physically hurt," she added.

Sulli was bombarded with hate by the netizens when she expressed her beliefs, such as going out in the public without wearing a bra on.
Amber also talked about the things she has experienced in the industry and shared that it was all laughs at the beginning but then it went south as time went by.
"It was fun at first, but then as time passed by it's starting to feel lonely and all that stuff settles in," Amber said.
She shared how she was working non-stop without breaks in between, almost burning out of energy. Her worse food diet becomes a can of cola a day to cope up with all the energy she has consumed.
"You would just literally wake up, and go to your job, go back just to sleep in the car and drive again to the next venue of your job, We were always such in a hurry. We honestly talked more about diets than the music we make, or we listened to. We were just taught to starve that time," Amber narrated.

Amber was also criticized by the netizens for showing off tomboy image to the public and by having a tan skin instead of a brighter one. These things she has been criticized for are the things she did not expect that would affect her ultimately.
"I did not realize that these comments would actually hurt me and affect me. I am now much more open with my friends and this really helped me a lot to overcome frustrations," she said.
Amber even admitted that she had considered plastic surgery before but Kyrstal convinced her not to proceed with it.
"That time, I really thought I needed it. Luckily, Krystal pulled me out from that Idea and was like 'Amber, you don't need it. No, you really don't.' We were told that we needed to achieve things that we actually don't need. Our bodies are still in process," she recounted.

She ended the interview by sharing how she overcomes all the obstacles in her life, especially her mental health by attending therapy sessions and swears to continue doing her best to be of service to other people.
"My body took years to rehabilitate. My anxiety reached a stage where I needed to be conscious of it and start to take care of my mental health. I am working every day to recover and figure this out," Amber shared, adding that she's happy and thankful to be someone's reason to heal.
"All I want to do is just keep on working hard and do my best to create music that will help other people to be inspired and brighten their day," she concluded.