Following his latest military discharge, 2AM's Jo Kwon shared his musical experience in the army and his potential aspirations. After entering the military in August 2018, Jo Kwon has been officially discharged from his service on March 24 as per the Coronavirus Pandemic Military Protocol.

Since being discharged, he publicly declared his return from the military by sharing his handwritten letter to his fans. He stated that his dismissal was "an end that seemed never to come."
"I give my sincere gratitude to all the people who have been waiting for me," the idol said.
Jo Kwon also expressed his gratitude to his co-members in the musical during his enlistment.
"It's not all easy but it's been eventful. I would, however, like to remember those people who gave me motivation and encouragement during my military time. I would also like to thank the soldiers, the members of the military band, the members of the military music community, my family mates and my fans. All thanks to each and every one of you because in good health I was able to get discharged from my service," the 2AM member shared, adding that he had a lot of moments that he would always remember and cherish for the rest of his life.
"I am now officially reservist Jo Kwon! I am now going to return to my regular life of being Jo Kwon the singer of 2 AM please look forward to the rainbow-colored appearances that I am planning to and will show my support. Thank you, Salute!!!" Jo Kwon concluded.
View this post on Instagram2018.08.06 - 2020.03.24 화랑 ! 신고합니다! 군악대 병장 조권은 2020년3월24일 부로 전역을 명 받았습니다.이에 신고 합니다! 제작년 무더위에 입대하여, 597일(1년7개월18일)오지 않을 것만 같던 전역의 날을 드디어 맞이하게 되었습니다.저를 기다려 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.결코 쉽지만은 않았고,다사다난 하기도 했습니다.그러나 저의 군 생활에 있어 큰 힘이 되어 주신 너무나 좋은 간부님들,군악대원들,군뮤지컬파견장병들 그리고 가족,친구 사랑하는 팬분들 진심으로 감사드립니다.덕분에 건강하게 전역 할 수 있게 되었습니다.살면서 평생 잊지못할 순간 순간 들이 굉장히 많았고,과거와 현재 그리고 미래를 연결해 주는 중요한 시간들과, 대한민국을 위해 충성을 다하고 제가 맡은 임무를 끝까지 최선을 다해 수행하여 지나고 보니 행복했던 추억도 많이 남았습니다.이제는 예비역 조권 이되었습니다.본업인 가수 조권으로 돌아가 제가 가고자하는 무지개빛 다양한 모습을 기대 많이 해주시고 응원해 주십시오.! 감사합니다. 화 랑!!! (꿈은 아니겠지..눈떴는데 다시 훈련소는 아닐거야 *코로나19로 인하여 전역전휴가로 출타하여 24일 전역 하였습니다.강원도 홍천은 청정지역 입니다.코로나19가 하루빨리 종식 되길 기도하겠습니다.) #KEEPGOING A post shared by 조권 JO KWON (@kwon_jo) on Mar 23, 2020 at 8:02am PDT
Jo Kwon recently sat down for an interview with OSEN, he shared, "I really can't believe it, I feel like I have to go back to the base every night. But when I open my eyes in the morning, all I could feel is that I'm restless and my memories throughout my military service are all that I have in my mind running throughout the day."

Although Jo Kwon was on the verge of all promotional activities when he enlisted, he appeared in military musicals, including the Shinheung Military Academy and Return: The Day Promise.
He also commented, "The military is the greatest place to meet and build a very unique bond for a lot of different people to be around. That's why the memories I had with the soldiers I met while participating in those musicals are the most unforgettable."
Then, the 2AM idol then mentioned fellow celebrities who he met in the military, such as EXO's Xiumin and actor Kang Ha Neul.
"When will I ever do things like cooking, sleeping, and practicing with Lee Jin Ki (Onew from SHINee), Yoon Jo Sung, Cha Hak Yeon, Kim Sunggyu, Kim Min Seok (Xiumin from EXO), Go, Eun Sung, Lee Jae Kyoon, Lee Sungyeol, Kim Min Ho, Kang Ha Neul, and Ji Chang Wook? I still get motivated with them in my head, because that's what we're doing, we're inspiring each other throughout our service," Jo Kwon said.

Jo Kwon is expected to appear with 2PM's Wooyoung, Block B's P.O. and WINNER's Mino on JTBC's Tell Us Something.