On April 6, Billboard Korea released the photos of SEVENTEEN, featuring the members for "Billboard Korea Magazine Volume 3." The K-pop idols exuded refreshing aura and vibes with their youthful appearances, showcasing their magnificent visuals in pastel colors.
"SEVENTEEN this time. @pledis_17. There are also pictorials for each unit, and among them, I'm going to show you a little photo of the performance unit. Billboard Korea Magazine Vol. 3 is on preorder at https://billkpop.com!" The magazine wrote in the caption on its official Twitter account.
[Billboard Korea Magazine Vol.3]
이번호에는 세븐틴@pledis_17의 유닛 별 화보도 포함되어 있는데요, 그 중 퍼포먼스 유닛의 화보 사진을 살짝 공개합니다. 빌보드 코리아 매거진 Vol.3는 https://t.co/8IJukfLzhx에서 예약판매 중! pic.twitter.com/lIHxabrLPB — Billboard Korea (@billboardkorea) April 7, 2020
However, despite CARATs' anticipation, many were not happy as Dino's photo was said to be severely edited to the point that a lot can't even recognize him in a glance. Due to this, the fandom trended the hashtag #ApologizeToDino, demanding Billboard Korea to give an official public apology to the member.
Fans weren't also enraged because of the bad editing but also because his face doesn't need to be photoshopped since he is already amazing as he is. According to netizens, it's also rude and disrespectful to the idol who prepared for the photoshoot. It was like a form of discrimination, netizens said, for it was like pertaining that Dino doesn't pass the beauty standards.
"I don't see any reasons to photoshop Dino's face until he looks nothing like himself. Chan is beautiful the way he is," a fan exclaimed in disbelief and demanded to release the raw and unedited version of the photo.
I dont see any reason to photoshop Dino's face until he looks nothing like himself. Chan is beautiful the way he is. He deserves so much better. Release the unedited version and apologize. #빌보드_디노에게_사과해야합니다#ApologizeToDino pic.twitter.com/CqAKyjisn2 — ##˚* ❀ jjong day (@chwenotchew) April 7, 2020
In the photo, the face of Lee Chan, or most popularly known as Dino, was distorted a bit, making his face shape look slimmer. In addition to this, his eyes and nose were changed, making him look like another person.
The facial features of Dino are the things that make him unique, which is why fans and netizens can't understand why Billboard Korea had to tweak them.
Meanwhile, CARATs are also seeking help from other fandoms to join their Twitter party: to trend the hashtag to reach the magazine editor and resolve this issue, including the offensive and alleged unfair treatment that was given to the male idol.
On the other hand, as it is most likely to reach Pledis Entertainment as well as the members who are active on social media, fans are showering Dino with love and encouragement. They reminded him how gorgeous he is and that he is beautiful inside and out.
SEVENTEEN's schedules in other countries were recently postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.