Go Jun Hee has ended her battle with negative commentators.
Of the 32 people in the comments they complained against, all but 2 were prosecuted according to her agency. There is also a handful out of the 30 who declined to attend hearings and were eventually arrested.
Her company stated:
"She received so many apologies and explanations saying they were empty words against someone prominent, but the truth is that there are countless instances where all those empty words ruined someone's existence.
They are disturbing, no matter what the negative comments are because they can kill a person. Nonetheless, several actors are reluctant to take legal action, due to the mild penalty. To the celebrity, the procedure itself may become stressful. There is no one who is not crying when they are reading the feedback in the process. They can only conclude the case after those interrogations have been concluded. Yet Go Jun Hee aggressively answered with her lawyer and also got arrest warrants for those who refuse to come to the prosecution to conclude."
It was in June 2019 when Go Jun Hee reported several malicious commenters to the Authorities.
"We have found 12 malicious commentators who last month generated baseless allegations about Go Joon Hee. They have all been reallocated to the respective police headquarters. One individual is a resident abroad and hence the case has been withdrawn. We're reviewing 16 more IDs at this time. For the same way, as soon as they are found we must pursue legal action."
On the March 23rd episode of "The It's Know," it was disclosed that Seungri, Jung Joon Young and Choi Jonghoon invited a female actress to a conference room with businessmen, but was unable to participate since she was in New York. Rumors have started circulating after the show, saying that the actress was Go Joon Hee.
Go, Joon Hee, who refuted the allegations, was in a social media voicing her anger and frustration.
"I still want to ask someone if it was me. I'm just so upset. If it was me, I would like to know why they chose me to be invited."
After the rumors started to circulate, she was forced to leave the series she was planning to film. The netizen who distributed the story for defamation of character was later sued by Goo Joon Hee. Yet after having been pressured to abandon her upcoming drama, people on social media proceeded to fuel the allegations with statements that if reports were not real, she wouldn't have "decided to step down" from her drama project.
And in the meantime, many people on social media who believe they have made derogatory comments about Go Joon Hee have offered to send their lawful representative e-mails requesting for pardon. Nevertheless, as she previously reported, she has no intention of committing to any favorable deals.