Hater Posts EXO Chen's Alleged Sign of Withdrawal From EXO + Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much

K-netizens aren't leaving EXO's Chen at all cost as they continue to criticize and throw hate comments towards the idol, demanding him to withdraw from the group.

On April 21, a Chen anti posted on an online Korean community, claiming that Chen is allegedly showing signs of withdrawal from the group after four months since antis started their petition to kick him out from EXO.

The caption of the post says, "Chen signs of withdrawal," and the writer wrote, "I run into the songs of EXO from "EXplOration" Concert, and all the names were included in the lyricist's section, and Chen was in the list."

A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much Twitter
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much Twitter

In the photos, Chen's stage name (CHEN) was originally written on the first two pictures, but according to the uploader, it was now changed into the idol's real name, Kim Jongdae. The photos were screenshots from Melon official site, the largest streaming site in Korea.

A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much Twitter
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much Twitter

"What does this mean? Will this be withdrawal? (please, please, please)," she exclaimed.

She then explained that E'Dawn, former member of the Pentagon, also changed his name before withdrawing from the group.

"E'Dawn changed his name to Dawn after he was kicked out of the Pentagon," that's why she concluded that Chen will be leaving the group as well, and will focus on his family and personal life as Kim Jongdae.

The comments section then got worse after it was filled with hate comments and negative remarks towards the idol. As antis rejoiced, they also expressed that this is way too much.

"I am a fan, but a father and a married man shouldn't be an idol. If you let idols to be like that, they will affect other idols. Please leave!!!" A so-called "fan" exclaimed.

A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much Twitter

"I want to leave EXO Chen as a good memory, not with Kim Jongdae, so please go out on your feet the time you were EXO Chen was from April 8, 2012, to January 13, 2020. Thank you for your hard work for eight years, and let's not see each other again," another "fan" commented in dismay.

On the other hand, the controversy sparked after Chen's marriage confirmation, as well as revealed that he's going to become a father as well. Netizens criticized him for engaging in pre-marital pregnancy. And antis thought that demanding him to quit is "protecting" the image of the group.

A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much
A Hater Posted EXO's Chen Alleged Sign of Withdrawal from EXO and Antis' Reactions Are Way Too Much Twitter

Meanwhile, EXO-Ls came to rescue the idol and fired back to the haters, proving that the "sign of Chen's withdrawal is dumb" as there were many streaming and music sites who use EXO members real name in the information section, such as Kim Jongin for Kai. Still, it doesn't mean Kai is leaving as well.

Despite the hate the singer is getting, loyal EXO-Ls are affirming that Chen has more supportive fans than antis. In fact, on April 20, an online concert organized by Soondingies, individual fandom of Chen, was a success, which was catered and dedicated to the idol and to the fans who have been missing Chen a lot.

EXO official Twitter

Furthermore, EXO members got Chen's back as well as they have been expressing their love to the idol after the controversy of her marriage announcement sparked. On January 17, Suho, the leader of EXO, posted an image of their "L" hand sign and wrote, "We are on a stage where words are not important, and just a hand sign will explain it all." EXO-Ls alluded this as a reminder that EXO is 9; thus, EXO is not EXO without Chen.

(Source: Pann)


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