KAACHI, a UK-based K-pop-themed girl group, made a huge buzz on various social platforms and among K-pop enthusiasts.
KAACHI, consisting of members Nicole, Chunseo, Dani, and Coco, debuted on April 15, 2020, under Frontrow, and made their worldwide debut with their single "Your Turn" on April 30. With this, the group is now labeled as the first-ever European K-pop band.

Unfortunately, they instantly made a huge buzz online as K-pop fans hurled hate towards the girls. Netizens are saying that they wouldn't pass as a K-pop group. Firstly, only one member is Korean while the rest can't even speak the language. Also, online users stated that K-pop artists go through a rigorous process and long years of training to prove their skills and before they debut. However, according to netizens, KAACHI shows the opposite.

"B***H...the K in K-pop stands for Korean, NOT kaucasian - #KAACHI_DISBAND," one tweet said.
"Oh yes, girl named herself Chunseo when she's not even Korean. Just sing in English and leave K-pop for Koreans. PLEASE," another netizen said.
The girl group's debut single "Your Turn" is currently viewed by over 2.6 million YouTube subscribers. Some are claiming that out of curiosity and hate, the said girl group is claiming instant fame compared to other underrated K-pop girl groups that exist.
"Kaachi is getting that many views for a debut in four days, more than what Elris, Bvndit, Nature, Purpiebleck, Hinapia, who actually trained years and years, normally get. They are gonna get Loona, fromis_9, CLC level of views if y'all continue giving them clout," said one tweet.

Amidst the constant bashing on social media, KAACHI's label, Frontrow, released a statement regarding the antis who have commented maliciously against the girl group.
"Because of the recent circumstances, KAACHI has received a lot of hate comments. This is something that FrontRow does not take lightly. Any threatening, abusive or false rumors will be reported and, depending on the severity of the comment, we may even take legal action," the company said.
Coco, Nicole, Dani, and Chunseo are expecting to exhibit their performances internationally, with the mix of European, K-pop, and hip-hop genres, that is set to target the American and European audience specifically.