It is almost normal for celebrities to get into several minor accidents especially during rehearsals, but some of these idols suffer severe injuries that force them to go on hiatus for a while. For idol groups, it is most common as most of their choreographies are extremely hard.
Apart from dance injuries, these idols are humans too, which means that just as we are, they are prone to accidents as well.
For TWICE's fans, it may be hard to imagine that the members have gone through major accidents, but here's a list of all the severe injuries TWICE members endured that will break your heart.
Fans have found something odd regarding the current manner Jihyo often looked in group images in 2016. Whilst the other girls would shift their stance, Jihyo was still seen from the ground with both of her knees and fans were concerned about the strain on her knees that the hard floor would bring.
A few months later, JYP Entertainment announced that Jihyo had knee pain and proceeded on an extensive medical examination. The assessment indicated that the discomfort was anomalous and recommended that she should undergo treatment for it.
Jihyo had to postpone all activities with the band because of the discomfort until she was completely recovered.
It cost her several months to be capable of performing with the band, but she was not authorized to dance yet. The band modified several of their dance routines to support Jihyo and avoid more harm and injury to her knees when she eventually recovered.
Fans had long believed Nayeon was just a bit sloppy and unbalanced, but they discovered this was something far worse throughout a 2017 fan conference. When one fan questioned her if her leg was usually so frail, Nayeon admitted while she was still she had been involved in a vehicular crash accident.
The crash caused her left leg badly bruised, and it is still a little damaged to this day.
The reports made fans concerned about her and how the dance movements of the band would have an impact on her leg, although she was honest enough to tell everyone she seemed to have no issue in keeping with the dance routines.
TWICE was seen flying off to Vietnam in 2017 to film JTBC's Carefree Travelers travel show but fans soon found that one participant was absent.
Some fans had already seen Dahyun getting totally checked and treated for an ankle injury at the hospital a few days ago that time. Several of these fan accounts didn't really think the ankle sprain was too severe because artists are frequently treated for minor injuries and then within a couple of hours they were in and out of the hospital.
But supporters had been very concerned about her apparent absence at the airport. They were so concerned that it caused JYP Entertainment to publish a report regarding her state of health.
The entertainment company guaranteed fans not to be too concerned about the injury, but it would cause her to miss out on some of the band's events and activities.
"Hello, JYP Entertainment. This is a statement about the Dahyun from TWICE. She sprained her ankle last week, and she is currently receiving the necessary care and healing she needs. Her prompt recuperation is our highest priority, so she will not be performing and attending any schedules sadly. We're asking people for their kind support and encouragement. Thank you." - JYP Entertainment.
Jeongyeon participated in New Caledonia's Law of the Jungle in 2016 but have been unable to shoot for the entire duration of the series. One day a horse hit her in the leg and was immediately treated by doctors of the tv program who placed a cast on her.
The production staff was already very worried regarding her injury when she returned to camp and hurried her to Korea for treatment. She was admitted to the emergency department when she entered Korea and had multiple tests performed to assess the severity of her injury. Luckily, her condition was not as serious as it might have been, and she just had to spend some time with the assessments at the hospital.
Her leg was put into a new cast, and for several weeks she had to stop performing things. Her leg has already recovered fully, and because of the incident, she does not seem to have any health complications.