Recently, a lot of celebrities have spoken out about racism. But before the #BlackLivesMatter movement reached globally, the EXO members have already shown that they're socially aware and have been advocates of gender equality, anti-racism, and many more.
Tons of online users and K-pop fans then claimed that EXO doesn't care about #BlackLivesMatter, a movement that supports to end racial discrimination and violence, which was the aftermath of the tragic death of a black American caused by Minneapolis cops. However, EXO-Ls strongly disagreed as these nine men have been showcasing their support to many social issues even way back.
Below are some of the proofs that the boys have been aware of social issues ever since, and note that there are only the tip of the iceberg.
- Lay wore a shirt with "Say no to racism" text.
- Baekhyun and Sehun were seen wearing anti-racism caps that say "Say NO to RACISM."
- EXO songs often use neutral lyrics by using "me" and "you" instead of "he" and "she."
- In 2013, EXO campaigned for Gender Equality.
- Kai broke the norm of the society when it comes to outfits for women and men when he wore crop tops, lace gloves, and stockings.
- Kai used to tell about his experience being a victim of racism due to his skin color.
- EXO members patronize the "Justo" brand, one of the advocates of anti-racism movements through their messages.
- Baekhyun was spotted wearing a "Nike" BETRUE 2016 shoes to show his support for the LGBT.
- Chen recommended a book written by a feminist and LGBT supporter.
- Chanyeol once said, "I think love isn't just something between a man and a woman."
- Chanyeol and Baekhyun expressed and signed the national petition against the perpetrator of the "Nth Room" scandal, a notorious case in South Korea wherein women were violently abused.
- Chanyeol, Sehun, and Lay were seen wearing bracelets from "Heeum," a company that supports comfort women.
- Minseok wore an "I Marymong You" cap that is known for selling products to help comfort women.
- Sehun and Xiumin were spotted wearing "women power" neckties in one of their TV appearances.
- Baekhyun posted on his Instagram about helping children with leukemia.
- Suho showed continuous support for ALS patients.
- Lay visited an elderly care center on the eve of January 1, 2019, and spent his time with them. He also urged people to care more about them.
- Also, Lay spent time with the kids at the Children Center for Autism and bonded with them.
- On his birthday in 2019, through "For Every Child Hope" advocacy, Suho encouraged people to join him in supporting children around the world in giving them a bright future.
- In 2017, Kai graced the cover of Big Issue magazine, which sold out in only two days. Half of its proceeds were donated to homeless people.
- Despite his busy schedule, Sehun often visits Sunduk Home, an orphanage, to bond, exercise, play games, and have meals together with the children. He visited the Home with Suho this year before the latter enlisted.
- Chen donated KRW 5 million to his church under his church name "Matteo" to keep it a secret.

EXO-Ls defended their idols and have expressed their "Seems you forgot that EXO already talked about this issue it's clear that they support BLM," tweets one fan on the hate given by some netizens.
"If EXO is silent, that doesn't mean they are not supporting BLM. A lot of times, we found [out] EXO [is] donating silently. They posted about [the] Nth room because international people didn't know about it, and Korea tried to hide it, but BLM, all of us know it and it [is] still [a] big issue," said another Twitter user.

"I wish EXO wasn't downgraded as a group that only does and helps when they speak out about it. They always helped out silently in everything they could. If y'all start complaining that x fave said something and y fave didn't, you're starting to use BLM as a **** measuring tool," wrote a fan.

The death of George Floyd has sparked worldwide fury that resulted in protests in many parts of the USA. Presently, people are clamoring for justice to be given to Floyd and his family, as well as the many black people who experience not just discrimination, unfairness, but also brutal killings on a regular basis in many parts of the world.