Dispatch Reveals That NCT's Taeyong Has Changed For The Better From His Past Self + Here's The Proof

Dispatch Reveals That NCT's Taeyeong Has Changed For The Better From His Past Self

Dispatch has revealed that NCT's Taeyong has changed from his past for the better and is now a person with a kind heart and would never hurt another person, as well as how the informant who was spreading negative information about Taeyong had edited the chat logs to make him appear worse than he is.

Ever since pre-debut, NCT's Taeyong has been embroiled in scandals from his middle school days. It was brought back to life recently through new chat logs. However, after some investigation, it has been proven that these claims have been falsified or exaggerated to portray Taeyong in a negative light.

Taeyong's first scandal happened back in May of 2009. He had left a comment on a class board when he was in his 2nd year of middle school that reads, "Wow. There's 10 people there, but it looks like there are 13."

10 years after the incident, an informant made an online post about Taeyong. They claimed to the the operator of the school board and that they too were ignorant of larger people, but they felt the need to bring up Taeyong's words since they were insulting and discriminatory.

Following this scandal, Taeyong issued an apology through SM Entertainment in October 2019. He said he deeply regrets his actions and will reflect on his actions. He went on to personally visit the victim and settle the issue. They also compensated the victim and decided to keep details of the settlement confidential. The two also shared message conversations with each other back then. Some of the message exchanges can be found here.

One reads,

Victim: Uh... I am [name redacted]. Looking at the photo, why are my eyes uneven... Thank you for pretending not to notice.

Taeyong: Once again, I would like to say I am truly sorry, and to please look after me. We may not be able to talk often and I hope you understand if I cannot respond right away. Please continue to support me! Thank you!

Another message reads,

Victim: But still, I am worried about your body. Don't be hurt and if you are, go to the hospital! Back discs really hurt so don't hold it in and have it become a bigger problem.

Taeyong: Okay, thank you. I will take care of my body. Thank you for giving me strength.

Victim: After yesterday's matter, I don't want us to be awkward with one another and I really hope we can be close friends and be able to chat with you comfortably. If you are uncomfortable with that, you don't have to agree, it's alright. Your thoughts and opinions are important and I want to respect that.

Taeyong: Thank you for asking like this. I don't feel uncomfortable at all. Because of work, however, I can't chat often and can't reply immediately. I think you already understand that! I'll see you at our next concert.

Taeyong had kept his promise and maintained a friendship with the victim, even taking the initiative to message them first and seeing them in their next concert.

Their message exchange reads,

May 15, 2020:

Taeyong: Hello! It's Taeyong. Have you been well?

Victim: Yes! Right now, I'm watching baseball.

Taeyong: I see! Lat time I said I would invite you to our concert. Because of the coronavirus, however, we can't do a physical concert, so it will be an online concert. It will be on Sunday at 3PM, and you can watch it on V Live. Tomorrow or the day after, I'll send you a code. Will be at the time as baseball? I hope you have time.

May 17, 2020

Victim: Maybe I can't see it because I turned of KakaoTalk and all my other messenger app notifications? I think text message will be the fastest. I'd be thankful if you send it again through text message.

Taeyong: Ah, alright, I understand. I'll sent it through text message.

Same day, through text message

Taeyong: It's a shame that I can't invite you to our concert. If you search it on V Live app, there is a store there and also a code coupon entry section. You can just put the code there. "KSJ20OMJ21".

Victim: I got it! These days, it must be new and fresh to do an online concert. Good luck!

Taeyong: Yup, thanks! Take care of your health too!

It seemed all was good. Until now.

In June 2020, the informant posted another online post, asking fans to control themselves as it was getting difficult for them to bear. He then pointed his fingers at Taeyong and claimed that he did more hurtful things and the issue he apologized wasn't sincere.

The informant shared screenshots of chat logs to support their claims. It reads,

Victim: When I came in crying, crossing my legs, looking out the window... At that time, I had hoped to meet you and get a sincere apology. There was no hidden agenda and I just wanted to be friends like we were before, so I'm sending this long message.

Taeyong: Thank you for worrying about my health. I will keep being careful and taking care of myself well.

In the screenshot, it appears Taeyong is being insincere in his words and doesn't even bother apologizing. However, Dispatch has uncovered that the photos have been doctored, and the victim has sent Taeyong a message worrying over his health, which is why Taeyong had sent such a reply.

The whole message reads,

Victim: Is your back okay? You always say it's okay.

Victim: My mother told me that because of back pains, getting on and off things is difficult. Don't go running from one goal to another while struggling. Go little by little and make sure to take some time to rest.

Victim: To be honest, when people tell me that your apology was a lie, I tell them that that is not the case. I believe that your apology was sincere, and you even bowed so much you showed me the top of your hear when apologizing. That's when I knew it was sincere.

Dispatch stated that the informant purposely cropped out the whole chat to make Taeyong look like he was insincere in his words and actions.

The informant also claimed that Taeyong had been insincere in his words when he promised to donate continuously, though they also mentioned that they are unsure if Taeyong really kept his promise.

Upon investigation, however, it was uncovered that Taeyong has been continuously donating at least 1 million KRW a month, every month since April 2016. This means that he has donated over 50 million KRW. He also serves in a group that supports underprivileged students. Here are Dispatch's findings on Taeyong's volunteer work and donations:


February: Gangnam Senior Citizen's Welfare - Food distribution

March: Bondong Community Welfare Center - Improvement of Living Conditions

April-June, August, and December: All Love School - Talent Donation


March: Red Cross Youth

April: All Love School - Talent Donation

June: All Love School - Talent Donation

July: All Love School - Talent Donation

September-October: All Love School - Talent Donation


April: Meeting For Writers With Developmental Disabilities - Talent Donation

June-July: All Love School - Talent Donation

September: Suseo Social Welfare Center - Lunch Distribution and Cleanup

November: Suseo Social Welfare Center - Lunch Distribution and Cleanup


March: Seocho Senior Care Center - 1 on 1 mealtime assistance


April 2016 to Present - at least ₩1 million KRW to the All Love School

The Principal of the All Love School also vouched for Taeyong's kindness, saying, "Taeyong is sponsoring the children at our school. Everyone wants a scholarship from him. He was careful about it, he doesn't want to children who gets the scholarship to be revealed as they might get hurt, or in the future. The amount is not important to him. I never thought someone of Taeyong's age would be supporting the scholarships of others."

Dispatch does acknowledge that Taeyong was rude about his friend's appearance in middle school is true, and it is true that the victim was hurt by the comment. However, Taeyong did truly mean his apologies and that he will correct his mistakes from the past.

Other claims, such as being homophobic or bullying a classmate to the point they self-harmed regarding another student are all fake claims. Dispatch also gathered testimonies from people involved in these cases.

Their teacher said, "As the teacher of the class, I remember vividly what happened at the time. Taeyong had nothing to do with the self-harm incident. I am saying this with a teacher's conscience."

A witness says, "I was there at the time. Taeyong never acted in such a way that would result in a problem. It's not true that the victim threw a chair at Taeyong either."

The victim mentioned in the scandal had also stood up for Taeyong, saying, "I didn't feel bad about it. We were young. You know, close friends that make those kinds of jokes. I didn't care at all because I know I'm not gay. But that informant is very unpleasant. I've never even seen that person. That person just posted my graduation album rolling paper without my permission. If you read this, please find my contact information and apologize to me directly."

SM Entertainment has stated that they will be taking legal action against the informant's claims.

NCT 127

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