G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law

G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law
G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law(Photo : Twitter)

Having a brother-in-law is said to be fun, especially as a groom. Some even get closer with their in-laws than their actual siblings, but how does it feel when your brother-in-law is one of the most famous K-pop idols in the world?

Dami Kwon, G-Dragon's stunning sister who is also a fashion designer and businesswoman, married one of Korea's topnotch actors Kim Min-joon in October of last year. After almost nine months of marriage, Min-joon was invited as a guest in JTBC's "Knowing Brothers" and shared some of the experiences and hardships he has encountered so far as a married man.

G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law
(Photo : Twitter)
G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law

He started by sharing how excited he was to have a brother-in-law but got worried after he knew G-Dragon was Dami's brother. The actor expressed that he's always wanted to have one since he only has a "noona," translating to big sister in English. So after he started having girlfriends, he would always think of how's he going to be as a brother-in-law later on. One of the dreams he had was that if his in-law would be younger and have to serve in the military after him, he'd frequently visit for updates and maybe give a little present here and then.

That's why he felt lucky to have G-Dragon enlist in the military later than him, but on the downside, during the time Dami and Min-joon were dating, GD was serving in the military, which meant they didn't bond that much. Nonetheless, G-Dragon has always expressed his kindness. It can be remembered that GD sent a food truck during one of Min-joon's acting shoots.

G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law
(Photo : Twitter)
G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law

"As everyone knows, my brother-in-law was serving in the military while I was dating his sister. I was always torn with how I should visit him, and what would I give him? I mean, I wanted to go, give him an allowance, and tell him 'don't tell your sister,' but every time I do, I have this dilemma, 'how much should I give him?' Even my friends were torn, will 100,000 won be enough?" Min-joon cutely and funnily shared.

The actor said in a laughing manner on how having a rich and famous brother-in-law crushed his dreams. "GD is wealthy, so I'm not sure how to approach and give him an allowance." People find this gesture charming though, the mere fact that he thinks of going and giving his brother-in-law allowance is a sure-fire aegyo moment.

G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law
(Photo : Twitter)
G-Dragon Crushed Kim Min-joon's Dreams Of Being The Ideal Brother-In-Law

The cast then asked if GD ever gave him money, to which Min-joon answered, "no." Later, he clarified that even if he didn't receive monetary help from GD, certain perks come with being GD's BIL, like when they moved in their newlywed home, and he didn't have a desk. Dami said, "Let's go at my brother's, we can borrow his." When I thanked him later on, he only said, "Did I give you a desk?" Everyone burst into laughter.

It's quite apparent that Min-joon and G-Dragon have a good relationship. Isn't it nice when families get along well? Stay happily married Min-joon and Dami! Lots of love from the Kpopstarz team!

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