Red Velvet's Irene and Seulgi recently appeared on "Yeri's Room" to promote their sub-unit debut and their track "Monster." There, they exposed some secrets fans haven't heard before!

It was actually Red Velvet member Yeri who posed the question, asking, "What is Irene's drunken habit?"
The question seemed to surprise Irene, who tilted her head and thought, pondering on what her drunken habit could be. It seemed that she wasn't sure if she had any and wasn't sure what to say.

Yeri refused to let the question pass by without an answer, however. Instead of waiting for Irene to reveal it, she exposed her leader herself.
So what's her drunken habit?
It's sending her members selfies!

Irene burst out in laughter when Yeri exposed her. Seulgi confirmed that, yes, sending her members selfies is her drunken habit. She added that she'll send it to her members out of the blue with no warning.

Irene neither confirmed nor denied the claim, causing Yeri jokingly threaten her, "Should I show everybody your selfies?" To which Irene exclaimed that she shouldn't.

Netizens and ReVeluvs found the exchange adorable, showing how close the members of Red Velvet are to one another. Some commented on how adorable Irene's habit is and they loved that it's pure and innocent, showing off Irene's good character. Many wondered how her selfies looked when she was drunk and expressed jealousy towards the members who are able to see Irene in such a natural, calm state.

Here are some netizens comments:
"I'm so jealous of her members."
"Can I join?"
"That drunk habit is just as cute as her."
Interestingly enough, Irene actually became a model for the Soju brand Chamisul, also known as Hite Jinro, back in December 2018 and is the only Red Member member to do so. She took part in a CF for the brand and her face was on Soju posters everywhere.
On top of that, her face was on Soju bottles, promoting her as their latest spokesperson. She will continue to be the model for the brand until 2023.
The brand said they chose her since she is someone who can strengthen communication with the younger generation. She was also chosen for suiting the pure and fresh concept the brand has.

Red Velvet debuted in 2014 with "Happiness" with members Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, and Joy. Yeri later joined in 2015 for their "Ice Cream Cake" comeback.
Highly-regarded as among the most popular K-pop groups worldwide by Time and Billboard, Red Velvet is also known as a major contributor and one of the country's most talented K-pop groups that help the spread the Hallyu wave.
Red Vevet has two sides to their music - the velvet, which contains the sensual, sophisticated aspect, combined with R&B and strong 90s elements; and the red, mostly pop and electronic and more vivid compared to their velvet side.
Their first sub-unit, consisting of Irene and Seulgi, debuted with "Monster" on July 6.