It's important to remember that idols are humans with feelings. Though they do their best to entertain their fans, they too get hurt by mean and unnecessary comments made about them or towards them. Here are some times "fans" crossed the line and ended up hurting idols' feelings.
1. MONSTA X's Joohoney
: Instead of doing excersize, do dance practices
: What?? *surprised*
: I'm doing my best at practice though.. I'm confused
: I'll do my best at dance practice *bows twice*
: I'll be Jooheon who develops himself better He tries to smile despite he is hurt
I hate you pic.twitter.com/l9WgKqem65 — Sahael ⋈ #기다려 (@SahaelMxMbb) July 22, 2019
During a live stream, a fan criticized Joohoney for focusing on his exercise, telling him to focus on practicing his dancing instead. He was visibly hurt by the comment and appeared confused as to why someone felt the need to comment that. He went on to say that he is doing his best to practice and will continue to do his best, even bowing twice to the camera. He added that he will be a Jooheon who develops himself better. Though he tried to keep a smile on his face, fans could see he was hurt by the unnecessary comment.
2. TWICE's Jihyo

During TWICE's showcase, the girls were talking about what sports would fit each member best, as the fans would yell out what they thought. When it was Jihyo's turn, some fans yelled that she would suit weightlifting. Their comments visibly hurt Jihyo and though she tried to laugh it off, she was seen turning her chair and wiping her tears. The idol was criticized for her weight during her pre-debut and early debut days, as she was curvier than her other members. Many believe it was a jab at her weight, which fans thought was unnecessary as Jihyo was and is perfectly healthy.
3. WINNER's Mino
It was during a NII fanmeeting when a fan told Mino to use whitening cream because his face is dark. I lost the vid link but I hv this gif pic.twitter.com/kyHwkl8dOT — jess • 위너 (@jeshd_) October 26, 2017
During a fan meeting, a fan decided that they just had to tell Mino his skin was too dark and that he should use whitening cream to lighten his skin. The comment was rude and colorist, and it highlights how Korean society tends to favor those with lighter skin. While Mino did his best to be polite and laugh off the comment, the member next to him did not appear to find it funny, staring at the fan who felt the need to tell Mino such a rude thing.
4. BTS's Jin
'Awkward-Jin', of all Jin's early nicknames, is what K-fans hate the most. When Jin was still a shy boy, insecure of his dancing skills. Fans calling him awkward everytime he got frustrated was really no help. pic.twitter.com/AjuUI4jzYg — 쟈근콩 (@tinyseokjinnie) March 7, 2018
During BTS's earlier days, fans knew Jin as the member who was shyer and reserved when speaking to large crowds, which is quite different from the loud, outgoing person he is now. Fans decided to call him "awkward Jin" due to his inability to speak well at the time, partly due to his insecurity with his dance skills. During fan signs, fans would call him the nickname and he voiced out how he didn't like the nickname and that he is not awkward. In one particular fan sign, he had enough of fans calling him "awkward Jin" and ended up not finishing his comments, and he instead passed the microphone to Jimin.