On August 21, Friday, OSR Entertainment announced girl group HINAIA has disbanded. The company shared the news with fans through the group's official fan cafe.
Their statement reads,

"Hello. This is OSR Entertainment.
We are apologetic that we need to deliver bad news to the fans who have loved HINAPIA and have been waiting for an update on the group.
HINAPIA has disbanded. All the members have terminated their exclusive contracts.
After much discussion between the company and the HINAPIA members, it has been decided by both parties to disband the group and terminated members' contracts.
We ask that you continue to support the HINAPIA members as they plan to embark on a new journey with various activities in different fields.
We apologize once again to everyone who has loved and supported HINAPIA.
Thank you."
This news comes after less than a year since HINAPIA's debut, as the group debuted in November of 2019. The group was known for having former PRISTIN members Minkyeung, Gyeongwon, Eunwoo, and Yaebin, and was a second chance for them to pursue their dreams of being an idol. Many fans note that OSR Entertainment did not specify a specific reason as to why the group disbanded.
The members have posted statements onto their personal Instagram accounts concerning the group's disbanded.
Yaebin's post reads,
"Hello. This is Yaebin.
I would like to share my feelings with everyone who may have been caught off guard by the sudden news.
First off, to the fans who have watched over me and supported me before HINAPIA and since my days in PRISTIN, the fact that I was unable to keep my promise of repaying your love and support and instead surprised you with news of disbandment against makes me feel very sorry and apologetic.
Until the day that I can keep that promise comes, I will myself that I must work even harder.
To the fans who have care and loved HINAPIA, the realization that we no longer have any chance to show a better side of ourselves hurts my heart so much.
However, we will only be apart from each other for a while. I want to let you guys know that our hearts will always be connected.
Due to the difficult situation our company is facing, we decided we could no longer continue our activities.
To all the fans who have been wondering how I have been doing, I hope you understand our situation.
Although we were active in such a short period of time, I will remember everybody who loved HINAPIA.
There is no way for me to know what I will be doing in the future. Still, I will make sure to be a better and more hardworking version of myself so that the precious memories of the fans who have and supported us will not fade away.
The members who are walking their own paths and I, the one sharing this letter with you, ask for your continuous support.
Finally, I want to finish this letter by saying I am so thankful for all the love I have received."
Eunwoo's post reads,
"Everybody, don't feel too sad!
In my long life, I am glad that I was able to experience a career as a singer and create precious relationships.
Just because this ended does not mean my life is over, so I plan on working even harder.
Experiencing various things in life is a guarantee, so I do not want to think of this too negatively. Is that not why people say life is like a rollercoaster?!
Although this is the end of HINAPIA's Jung Eunwo, it is only the beginning for Jung Eunwoo, so I will continue to work even harder.
Also, there is a journalist who called this an 'ill-fated destiny' but... let's not think about it like that! It was never 'ill-fated' haha...
Anyway, everyone!!!
I was and still am so thankful.
As I have received so much love to the point where I wonder if I even deserve it, I will this as a precious memory."
Minkyeung's post reads,
View this post on Instagram안녕하세요 김민경입니다. 저희는 최근 회사 내부 사정에 따라 더는 팀을 유지하기 힘들다고 판단하여 회사와의 충분한 논의 끝에 멤버 전원이 계약을 해지하게 되었습니다. 희나피아라는 팀을 만들어주시고 저희를 위해 끝까지 힘써주신 osr 식구분들에게 진심으로 감사드립니다. 그리고 무엇보다 항상 사랑해 주시고 응원해 주시는 팬분들께 좋지 못한 소식만 전해드리는 것 같아 마음이 무겁습니다. 그동안 무대에 설 수 있어서 행복했고 팬분들과 함께 할 수 있어 행복했습니다. 이 또한 끝이 아닌 저의 새로운 시작이고 앞으로는 더욱더 좋은 모습으로 찾아뵐 테니 지켜봐 주시고 저희 멤버들의 앞날도 응원해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 그동안 과분한 사랑을 주신 모든 분께 정말 죄송하고 감사합니다. A post shared by 김민경 (@minki_kim) on Aug 21, 2020 at 3:00am PDT
"Hello. This is Kim Minkyeung.
After lengthy discussions with our company, we decided that it would be difficult to keep the group together due to difficulties within the company recently.
I would like to sincerely thank OSR Entertainment for creating HINAPIA and staying with us until the end.
Above all, my heart feels heavy because I feel like I am delivering bad news to the fans who have always loved and cared for us. I am glad I was able to stand on stage and am I glad I was able to do this with our fans.
This is not the end, instead, it is a new start, so please look out for me as I will return to meet you with a better side of myself. I ask that you cheer on my members' futures.
I want to genuinely apologize and thank everybody who has given me so much love."
Bada's post reads,
View this post on Instagram안녕하세요. 김바다입니다. 먼저 팬분들께 안 좋은 소식 전해드려서 죄송합니다. 가수라는 직업으로 언니들과 함께 무대에 오르는 동안 즐거웠고 활동하면서 팬분들을 만나 뵐 수 있어서 정말 행복했습니다. 가수라는 직업으로 무대에 설 수 있게 해주신 OSR 직원분들께 감사드리고 앞으로 팬분들께 좋은 모습으로 찾아뵐 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 지금까지 저의 부족하고 서툴렀던 모습까지 사랑해 주시고 응원해 주신 모든 팬분들께 감사드립니다. A post shared by 김 바다 (@seaborninmay) on Aug 21, 2020 at 7:44am PDT
"Hello. This is Kim Bada.
First off, I want to apologize for sharing bad news. As a singer, I am happy that I was able to stand on stage with my members and I was so happy I was able to meet our fans while promoting. I would like to thank OSR Entertainment and the staff for allowing me to promote as a singer. I will try my best to meet the fans again in the future. I would like to thank all the fans for loving and support me even until now."
Gyeongwon's post reads,
View this post on Instagram안녕하세요 강경원입니다. 그동안 응원해 주시고 기다려주셨을 팬분들께 죄송하고 감사합니다. 앞으로 더 좋은 모습으로 찾아뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다. A post shared by 강 경원 (@kanggyeongwonn) on Aug 21, 2020 at 5:29am PDT
"Hello. This is Kang Gyeongwon.
I am sorry for being the bearer of bad news. I would like to thank everyone for supporting and continuing to wait for me.
I will work hard to show even better sides of me and meet our fans with better performances.
Thank you."