EXO-Ls Furious After Chen Was Removed as EXO Member on Google Search

EXO-Ls Furious After Chen Was Removed as EXO Member on Google Search
SM Entertainment

Members of the massive fan base of EXO - EXO-Ls - are infuriated after the EXO member Chen was removed from the list of members on Google.

In particular, once you search the EXO members on the browser, you will only see the eight members Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Sehun, Suho, Lay, and Xiumin. and Chen's name is not on sight. Also, fans are more disappointed that the K-pop idol is the only one who's missing in the list, while the former members, Tao, Luhan, and Kris were on the results.

EXO-Ls Are Angry After Chen Was Removed as a Member of EXO in Google Search

Not only was he removed as EXO member, but he's also not in the member list of EXO-CBX and EXO-M, making EXO-Ls fume in anger more.

Due to this, EXO-Ls immediately called out Google to demand an explanation of why the K-pop idol was deleted on the mentioned lists when he is still and indeed an EXO member with no withdrawal announcement or confirmation that he left the K-pop boy band.

EXO-Ls Are Angry After Chen Was Removed as a Member of EXO in Google Search

In fact, SM Entertainment and EXO members themselves confirmed that there would be no changes in their lineup, and EXO will remain as a nine-membered group.

According to some fans and netizens, it is possible that Google accidentally deleted Chen's name, or it could be the result of a system error that's why he was removed by mistake. Thus, the fandom members are asking Google to correct it and admit their fault for it is extremely offensive and disrespectful, given that the idol worked hard as a member and main vocalist of EXO.

EXO-Ls Are Angry After Chen Was Removed as a Member of EXO in Google Search

Meanwhile, fans who found out about the error already reported it to Google Support, sending the message:

"Please fix the google search. When you type EXO members, main vocalist CHEN is missing. Please get him on that list again. He has been on the list forever but just now he has been removed please fix this mistake. Because the information of "members "are wrong and missing a member. Please get him back on your list."

Furthermore, EXO-Ls also trended the hashtags #Chen, #EXO, and #Chen_Is_EXO in their posts while Google's twitter account is being tagged and mentioned to draw their attention and get a response real-time.

EXO-Ls Are Angry After Chen Was Removed as a Member of EXO in Google Search

On the other hand, fans are skeptical about the sudden removal of Chen from EXO's member list. Though there's no proof, EXO-Ls are speculating that it could be propaganda of Chen's antis hiding behind the account EXOLACECAFE, an alliance advocating the demand of the singer's expulsion from EXO.

The rally and calls for withdrawal started when EXO's Chen announced his sudden marriage and pregnancy of his fiancé (hereinafter wife). According to them, Chen is a "traitor" who should focus on being a father and husband instead of being an idol, claiming that he affected the image of EXO as role models to the youth.

EXO Official Twitter

Danny Sullivan, one of Google's staff members, responded to EXOPROTECTIONSQUAD, which is an account or organization dedicated to protect EXO.

According to Mr. Sullivan, "These things usually automatically correct themselves within few days. But I will pass it on."

EXO-Ls Are Angry After Chen Was Removed as a Member of EXO in Google Search

Currently, EXO-Ls, specifically Soondingies (Chen's individual fandom name), are continuously trending the hashtags, and are now waiting for Google's correction for Chen's name to be re-added to the member list.


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