MAMAMOO Solar Takes These 8 Food Supplements a Day

MAMAMOO Solar Takes These Food Supplements a Day
MAMAMOO Solar Takes These Food Supplements a Day Photo: Twitter/@子犬 @ynkn_solar

Solar's health and wellness updates will certainly give clues on how she takes care of her overall well-being.

MAMAMOO Solar's "Solarsido" vlog always gives witty and personal updates of herself. From her daily routines to fridge hauling, Solar is always giving great contents for her fans. Previously, she shared with viewers 8 of her food supplements a day and why she considers taking them daily.

Vegetable Skin Pro-biotic

Solar said that pro-biotic is really important such as proper digestion. However, the one she takes in daily is a skin pro-biotic. Thus, she claims that she tends to switch to different variety of the said supplement every 3 months.

Multivamins (Rich in Vitamin C)

Next, Solar showed of a small bottle with openings on both end. It has two pills and syrup to drink. According to the kpop idol, Monbyul (her co-MAMAMOO) suggested it to her.

Vitamin D + Iron

Another food supplement MAMAMOO Solar takes in is Vitamin D + Iron. She revealed that during her physical exam, the doctor told her that she lacks the said vitamin, thus she is trying to make her body cope with what is lacking. Although she was instructed to have a dose of it under the sun, she explained that she is not having a lot of time to do it.

L-Carnitine and L-Caslim

One day, Solar's sister bought her this food supplement. She takes 3 pills at a time and twice a day. She explained that since she is working out a lot, it helps her with replenishing her energy. It also has calcium that is necessary for her bones.

True Blue Spirulina

The seaweed supplement is taken 3 times a day. She mentioned that the pill is widely popular after Miranda Kerr revealed using it. She said True Blue Spirulina is great for anti-aging and skin.

Omega 3

Another part of MAMAMOO Solar's food supplements is Omega 3. Although she has a hard time drinking the huge pill, she still adds it to her list.

Collagen Gummy

Among all MAMAMOO Solar's food supplement, the Collagen gummy looks like her favorite. She mentioned that Seujong Unnie introduced it to her, thus swallowing 5 pieces of collagen gummies daily. She revealed that since she is turning 30, it is something recommend for her.

Magnesium + B6

And last but not the least; MAMAMOO Solar completes her list of daily food supplements with Magnesium with Vitamin B6. She drinks 3 pills of it in the evening. She said that it is very effective and helps promote in sleeping well.

MAMAMOO Solar's food supplement might be quite in number for others. Given that she is a KPOP idol who is usually engaged into a stressful life; it is definitely something that can be considered as appropriate. However, she stressed out that there are also days that she is not able to complete the set of vitamins daily.


Mamamoo solar

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