Rising musical star Kim Young Geun shares his creative process, his future plans, as well as what went into his heartrending version of Lee Seung Cheol's "Are You Listening."
Since he first captured the attention of South Korean audiences with his sweeping victory at the 2016 "Superstar K," Kim Young Geun has steadily built his fanbase with his impeccable vocals and versatility as an artist. Following his acclaimed covers of various songs, from various artists and genres, he has released a cover of Lee Seung Cheol's timeless ballad, "Are You Listening."
Now, in partnership with content media leader Kreaon, Kpopstarz got the exclusive opportunity to know this amazing musician up close and personal. Teasing both his fans and newcomers to his music, Kim Young Geun opens up on his activities, his aspirations, and the creative process behind some of his acclaimed cover performances.

ALSO READ: Kim Young Geun Returns with an Emotional Cover of 'Are You Listening'
Q: First of all, congratulations and thank you for your heartwarming rendition of Lee Seung Cheol's "Are You Listening." To deliver the now-classic ballad with such sincerity, kindly share your experience or your mindset during the recording of that Kreaon Live performance.
Kim Young Geun: 우선 항상 롤모델로 존경해오던 가수의 곡을 선택하였습니다. 많은 사람들이 노래를 들을 수 있는 좋은 기회가 왔으니 가장 진심을 다해 부를 수 있는 곡이 무엇이 있을까. 생각하다 곡을 선택하게 되었습니다. 어릴적 많이 부르며 커왔지만 그때 부를때 내가 느꼈던 감정과. 지금 다시 불러보면 내가 느껴지는 감정이 많이 달라서 또 한번 부르면서 많은 걸 느낀 것 같습니다.
Kim Young Geun: First of all, I chose a song by a singer whom I have always respected as a role model. Now that many people have a good chance to listen to the song, what song can I sing with all my heart?
I chose a song after thinking about it. I grew up singing a lot when I was a kid, but I wanted to tell you how I felt when I sang it. If I sing it again, my feelings are very different, so I felt a lot of things while singing it.
Q. Aside from Lee Seung Cheol's ballad, fans of your YouTube channel have heard your cover of songs from various genres - from the R&B "Organic Love" by Brown Eyed Soul to the Baroque pop "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay - in addition to your memorable version of Sam Smith's "Lay Me Down." Please tell us what songs or styles you haven't tried yet, but would like to do so in the future.
Kim Young Geun : 앞으로 저는 많은 경험을 해본 가수가 아니기 때문에 많이 경험을 해보고 싶습니다. 여러 도전을 하는 이유도 그 중 하나이구요. 앞으로는 댄스 음악도 해보고 재즈나 블루스, 어쩌면 힙합장르에. 훅까지도 불러보고 싶습니다.
Kim Young Geun: Since I am not a singer who has experienced a lot, I want to experience a lot. That's one of the reasons why I'm challenging myself. From now on, I'll do dance music, jazz, blues, maybe hip-hop. I'd like to sing a hook, too.
Q. You have also released the music video for "추억눈(Memories in the snow)," an equally bittersweet track. Please tell us the story about it - what inspired you to write the song and what kind of emotion are you expecting from the listeners?
Kim Young Geun : 이 곡은 단순히 들으면 그저 사랑이야기 같지만 현재 전세계적으로 같은 코로나 라는 이슈로 많은 경험을 할 수 있는 나이에 많은 걸 못해보고 시간이 흘러가고 있습니다.
그래서 많은 분들을 안아주고 싶었고, 사랑이라는 단순할수도 쉬울 수도 있는 주제로 다가가 위로 해주고 싶었습니다.
Kim Young Geun: This song is just a love story when you hear it, but time is going by without seeing much at an age when you can experience many things due to the same issue of Corona all over the world. So I wanted to hug a lot of people and comfort them with the simple or easy topic of love.
Q. Following your third self-composed single, are you working on a project right now aside from your YouTube and SNS content? If so, kindly tell us a little bit more about it?
Kim Young Geun: 곧 5월13일에 피처링으로 노래가 한 곡 나옵니다. 제가 이제까지 했던 스타일의 곡이 아니기에 많은 기대를 가져 주시고 들어주셨으면 좋겠습니다.
Kim Young Geun: A song will be released on May 13th. It's not [in a] style I've done so far, so please look forward to it and listen to it.
Q: Of course, as the global pandemic has put forth restrictions on travel and in-person performances, can you share a message to your fans - both online and those waiting to meet you again in live performances?
Kim Young Geun : 모두가 지금 많이 답답하고 힘들고 지쳐가고 있을 겁니다. 얼른 코로나가 종식이 되어 만나기를 기대하면서 많은 기대로 인생을 살아갔으면 좋겠습니다. 분명 끝이 날 것이라고 믿습니다. 항상 조심하고 힘을 냅시다!
Kim Young Geun: Everyone must be very frustrated, tired, and exhausted right now. I hope that Corona will end soon and we can live our lives with high expectations. I'm sure it'll be over. Let's always be careful and cheer up!
Listen to Kim Young Geun's latest single, "Memories in the Snow," below: