Bobbi Kristina Brown Had The Most Unsympathetic Neighbor! She Leaves A Nasty Note After 10 Noise Complaints And Constant Harassment[VIDEO]

Whitney Houston's daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown leaves her apartment but not before leaving a leaving a nasty note to a neighbor after complaints of too much noise coming from her apartment. Brown has had a rough year and the nasty note is completely justified.

Bobby Kristina Brown and her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, left the nasty note to neighbor Joshua Morse before leaving. Bobbi Kristina Brown claims Morse had a series of noise complaints from the neighbor and he was overall a "troublemaker."

 Bobbi Kristina Brown says she left the building to get away from him, and that she was never evicted.

Kristina's nasty note to her neighbor reads:


You are s--- at the bottom our our shoe.

Thank You for making a hard year harder.

You are a miserable couple and always will be

You were honored to have us living above you and you couldn't stand such a young beautiful couple far more successful than you ever will be. I pray your misery doesn't rub off on your innocent little baby.

 In a post on Wednesday Brown writes, "Awoke2CrazyNeighborStory ha Those pplR (people are) insane! @nickdgordon & I choose2move THEY were the nightmare." Brown, Houston's daughter with R&B star. Neighbor Joshua Morse, who received the note, said he and his wife have filed more than 10 noise complaints against Brown.

Officers have gone to her apartment four times to check on the noise.

Neighbors say Brown, whose boyfriend is her adopted brother Nick Gordon, has turned in her keys and left the complex.

You'd think a neighbor would be a little more sympathetic to what Bobbi Kristina Brown has been through in the past year. Brown has been struggling to deal with the loss of her superstar mom, who drowned in the bathtub of her Los Angeles hotel on the eve of last year's Grammy Awards in 2012. 

The neighbor can cut the young lady some slack. Losing a parent is the hardest event a person can go through in life, and the neighbor could have shown a little more empathy towards Kristina's situtation.   

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