Syrian Conflict Update: Syrian Military Takes Over UN-Monitored Golan Heights Crossing, Austrian Peacekeepers Withdraw [VIDEO]

The Syrian Army has taken control of a UN-monitored crossing in Golan Heights that was a rebel force stronghold, forcing Austria to withdraw peacekeepers monitoring a ceasefire with Israel, Israeli military sources told BBC News.

Israel has also shut down parts of Golan Heights following the conflict, according to The Guardian. 

Watch a video of one of the reports here:

Austria made the announcement that it would withdraw its 380 peacekeepers, which account for over a third of the UN forces in the area, amidst tanks and other Syrian military armored vehicles entering the region, BBC News also reports.

Syrian troops retook the town of Qusair, located just a few miles outside of Lebanon, on Wednesday, signaling an increased stronghold by the Syrian Army close to its border with Israel.

Tensions continue to flare between the Syria and Israel as pro-Assad forces make inroads toward the Israeli border.

But for now, Austria is taking precautions to secure the safety of its peacekeepers.

"Freedom of movement in the area de facto no longer exists," the Austrian chancellor, Werner Faymann, and his deputy, Michael Spindelegger, said in a joint statement, according to BBC News.

"The uncontrolled and immediate danger to Austrian soldiers has risen to an unacceptable level."

Israeli military officials have accused the Syrian troops of collaborating with Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamic militant group from Lebanon, and attempting to spread the conflict across Syria's borders.

The UN said the withdrawal of Austrian troops would affect the mission's operational capacity and it would look for replacements, BBC News reports.

For now, tensions between the Syrian Army and Israel rise as Assad forces continue to regain areas that were once held captive by anti-government rebel forces.

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