Google Glass Release Date: 18-Months Before It Lands On Consumer Hands, Tech Experts Share Their Google Glass Experience

The Google Glass release date has not been specified up to now, but Google is aiming for an early 2014 release, according to some reports.

Ben Metcalfe, speaking at Le Web London’s panel titled, "Boys and their Toys – The Google Glass Phenomenon," said, "Google has said it's 18 months at least until this is going to be in the hands of consumers. We're definitely going to see more and more people from a wider background trying this out and providing feedback before it becomes available commercially,” reports The Guardian.

Three tech influencers, Robert Scoble, Loic Le Meur and Metcalfe defended the augmented eyewear against the doubters and haters during their talk at Le Web, a large gathering of the tech industry in London.

Scoble, a prominent blogger and author said, “The code name for this project is Wingman, because Google wants to be an assistant to your life.”

“It tries to assist my life and get ahead of me, and think about things I need to see.”

Scoble answered key questions he has been asked previously in the weeks since getting his Glass, which was also distributed today to many Google Explorer members in Los Angeles.

Some of the questions were if passport control staff asked him if they were recording them when he walks through the door. Another question involve the wider concern of whether people will use Glass for covert recording.

"There's a way you can tell if it's recording: the light is on, I'm touching it, I'm talking to it," explained Scoble. "You see it in the eye, when I come up to you, you see it... This is not a great way to spy on you in the bathroom and whatnot."

He suggested that it’s actually easier to take unsolicited images with a smartphone rather than with the Glass.
The blogger, however, said that there is a social cost to wearing the AR lens.

Metcalfe added that he have encountered a few people uncomfortable with him wearing the Glass in meetings. The notion is that he’s either recording them or paying attention to something else.

On the other hand “It makes me more social,” Scoble said, “I hear my phone buzz, I have to pull it out and look at it, and then I'm totally distracted... It's 'look at it, turn it off' [with Glass]."

The blogger, who has more than 300,000 followers on Twitter and renowned industry expert and pundit in the world of tech admits that Google Glass is, “the most controversial new product of my lifetime.”

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