Racist 911 Operator Fired For Being A Horrible Bigot

A racist 911 operator has been fired for being a horrible bigot on Facebook.

The 911 operator, April Sims, posted a ton of racist nonsense to her Facebook page; she was then resoundingly canned. The Dallas PD just announced they fired Sims, 23, for violating their social media policy.

The Facebook page included such charming phrases as "Black people are outrageous! They are more like animals, they never know how to act, just loud [expletive] Always causing problems,"

Another gem was, "I can count on 1 hand the black people I know who don't have [expletive] for brains!!!"

The ranting posts were set to friends-only on Facebook, and Sims, apparently, thought that was private enough for being a jerk to be A-OK. As always seems to be the way of most idiots and criminals, she apparently hadn't heard of a screencap.

Maybe the 911 operator is the one who doesn't have much for brains?

Sims didn't even backtrack, much less apologize. When someone asked her what she thought the Dallas police chief would think, she said defiantly, "I stand by every word I said," Sims wrote. "And do not apologize."

Unsurprisingly, Dallas police chief David Brown didn't much like her comments, and she was fired.

First, the department has a policy against posting messages that "negatively affect morale, confidence and respect for the department".

And, worse, Sims' statements seem to be directly related to her job as a 911 operator. Another message read, "I'm a very easygoing person and I will give the shirt off my back to help others, but when call after call are black people fighting and screaming and hitting each other and they want to yell at me and treat me like [expletive] when I'm trying to help, is not cool."

Also not cool? Mocking people you are supposed to help and a total misunderstanding of how endemic violence and poverty work.

Dallas City Councilman Dwaine Caraway told press, "Number one, I am shocked and it saddens me to know that this is going on and still taking place in today's time, especially here in 911."

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