13-Year-Old 162 IQ: Indian Girl Genius Neha Ramu Says ‘I Don’t Really Think I’m Clever,’ India’s Education System Helped [VIDEO]

13-year-old with 162 IQ is Indian girl and genius, Neha Ramu. The 13-year-old's IQ score is the highest for people under age 18, and her 162 IQ score is even higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Despite having proven her astonishing intelligence with the 162 IQ score, 13-year-old Neha Ramu is humble and claims that she doesn't really think that she is a clever girl.

Neha Ramu took the Mensa IQ test for people under 18, and scored 162 at age 13. The average adult IQ score is 100, and those who score above 140 are considered geniuses. 13-year-old Neha Ramu is now included in the top one percent of the United Kingdom's most intelligent people.

Born in Bangalore, India, Neha Ramu moved to the United Kingdom with her family when was just seven years old. Neha Ramu said in an interview this year that because she had studied in India for seven years, she had a good head start, thanks to the education system in India.

While talking with the BBC, the 13-year-old 162 IQ genius said, "I don't really think I'm clever, I think I just have a high IQ, but that doesn't really mean that I'm clever... Some people think that I study loads and stuff, but I don't really at all, I just like relax and do basic stuff."

Ramu's mother also said that the 13-year-old "makes sure she has enough time for TV, swimming, for the fun times with her friends."

When compared to Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, who both received lower IQ scores than her, Neha Ramu explained, "Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, they've achieved so much. It's not right to compare me to them just because of my IQ."

The 13-year-old IQ genius added that she has plans to study neurology at Harvard University, saying "If I don't put in my effort and make use of my IQ then there's no point in having it."

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