'The Shaw Legacy Lives On' Says 'Tennesee's Most Expensive Dead Beat' [VIDEO]

In the case of 22 kids by 14 different women, Tennessee man Orlando Shaw, is the father.

In fact he has been dubbed the most expensive dead beat in Tennessee state history by Child Support Services.

Shaw has fathered 22 children with 14 different women and he owes most of them child support.

UPI (United Press International) reports that the state of Tennessee has been paying more than $7,000 per month in order to help support all of his children. Magistrate Scott Rosenberg said that "Shaw would probably need to get three or four full-time jobs in order to pay back all of the money to the state."

Shaw claims that due to his extensive prison record it has made it very difficult for him to find employment. "To be honest with you, don't nothing come to a dreamer ... I go everywhere looking for a job, where am I going to get one with my lengthy record? I'm just hoping one day I'll get lucky and might scratch off the numbers or something. I play the hell out of the Tennessee lottery" Shaw said in an interview with the New York Daily News.

Although he claims that he cannot find employment it has not stopped Child Support Services in Nashville, Tennessee from suing the man, and unless he finds a job it is more than likely that Shaw will serve prison time.

The 33 year old Nashville man is not ashamed of the sowing of his wild oats. He said, "They're my kids, I love my kids and I could (not) care less what anybody else thinks about it ... I was just young and ambitious and I loved women. You can't knock no man for loving women. What I didn't know, when I turned 33, everything I that did from 16 to 18 is biting me now."

Check out an interview with Shaw where he discusses his children HERE

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