Drippin Share How They Trained To Be ‘Villain’ for Their Comeback [Interview]

DRIPPIN have returned as the villains of K-Pop but remain sweet when it comes to their loving fandom, Dreaming!

While flaunting a dramatic concept change, the 7 charming members revealed what it takes to become bad guys that make killer music in our exclusive interview.

The wickedly catchy new single "Villain" showcases a more mature and moody side of DRIPPIN. Members Hyeop, Yunseong, Dongyun, Junho, Minseo, Changuk, and Alex (aka Rex!) found the concept to be refreshingly new as they not only murder the beat with their talented vocals but also thrill fans with their intense fight scenes.

Why so serious? Take a moment and watch the nefariously captivating MV!

If liking this new track is bad, then we don't wanna be good!

DRIPPIN not only share who their favorite villains are, but they also discuss how they prepared their dark sides for each performance. Plus, the boys share how they enjoyed their Valentine's Day in Korea and New Year goals.

See what they have to say and don't forget to watch their devilishly charming fan-greeting video at the end of this interview!

Q1. In your latest song 'Villain' the members can be seen fighting and getting very physical. How did you all prepare for these combative scenes?

이번 뮤직비디오 장면에서 멤버들이 싸우는 장면이 나오는데, 이장면들을 어떻게 준비했나요?

Hyeop: For those scenes, Yun-seong practiced by copying and filming with the stunt actor on the set!

Yunseong: I have a scene where I fight in the intro part and that scene was recorded immediately after trying it on the spot, so I decided to follow through with the manual and film over and over.

협 - 이 장면은 윤성이가 촬영 현장에서 스턴트 배우분과 싸우는 장면을 같이 맞추며 준비를 했습니다!

윤성 - 저는 앞에 인트로 부분에 격투하는 장면이 있는데, 그 장면은 즉석에서 맞춰보고 바로 찍은 장면이라 메뉴얼을 정하고 그 메뉴얼대로 반복해서 찍었습니다.

Q2. How do you practice your facial expressions or try to appear more rough?

이번 컨셉을 위해서 제스처나 표정을 준비한 적이 있나요?

Changuk: "I practiced my expressions through the feedback I received from my members and our instructor."

Dongyun: "If I think of a villain, I think they are chic, so I tried and thought that I should look chic on stage."

창욱 -"멤버들과 레슨 선생님께 표정에 대한 피드백을 받으면서 준비했습니다."

동윤 - "빌런이라고 생각하면 시크한 느낌이지 않을까 라고 생각해서 무대를 할때 시크하게끔 보이게 생각하며 신경썼습니다."

Q3. You held your 'Villain' showcase in January. How did it feel to perform in front of fans again?

1월 17일에 빌런 쇼케이스를 진행하였는데, 팬들 앞에서 무대한 소감이 어떠셨나요?

Minseo: "It has been a long time to perform in front of fans so it was nice. I want to perform in front of our fans more often!"

Junho: "I really like 'All Eyes Down,' so I wanted to show it to Dreaming even when I was practicing, so I was very happy to show it to fans and feel excited thinking about our future activities."

민서 - "오랜만에 팬분들 앞에서 무대해서 너무 좋았고. 앞으로 자주 팬분들 앞에서 무대하고싶어요."

준호 - "정말 좋아하는 곡이라서 연습내내 드리밍에게 보여주고싶은 마음이 컸는데 보여드릴 수 있어서 너무 기뻤고 앞으로의 활동을 생각하며 설렜습니다."

Q4. Is there one word you can use to describe your music?

드리핀의 음악을 한 단어로 설명한다면?

Hyeop: "Healing music."

Alex: "It is epic!"

협 -"힐링송!"
렉스- "에픽하다."

Q5. You are working so hard each and every day! How do you prevent burnout (fatigue) or try to reduce your stress?

매일매일 열심히 활동하고 있는데, 번아웃을 어떻게 방지하거나 스트레스를 줄이는 방식이 있나요?

Yunseong: "Taking a walk at night or senselessly sweating it all out is how I relieve stress. It's not like there is a method, but it's better to accept stress and enjoy it in a good way than reducing it. I'm still thinking about it and trying to understand it."

Changuk: "Whenever I have the time, I listen to my favorite songs to heal myself."

윤성 - "밤에 산책을 한다거나 아니면 정신없이 땀을 빼거나 이런식으로 푸는 것 같고, 스트레스를 줄이는 방법은 그런 방법이 있다기 보단 마인드에서 스트레스를 받아들이고 그걸 좋게 즐길 수 있는 게 좋다고 생각해서 그걸 터득하기 위해 지금도 계속 신경쓰고 있습니다."

창욱 -"저는 이동하거나 시간이 날때마다 좋아하는 노래를 들으면서 힐링을 합니다."

Q6. The Lunar New Year celebrates the year of the Tiger - do you have new personal goals for this new year?

새해가 다가오고 벌써 2월이 되었는데, 올 해의 개인 목표를 알려주세요

Dongyun: "I hope to be healthy and have a year of happy memories."

Minseo: "My goal for DRIPPIN is to be healthy and win first place on music shows!"

동윤 -"건강하고 행복한 기억이 많이 있는 한 해였으면 좋겠습니다."
민서 -"저는 드리핀이 건강하고 음악방송 1위 하는것이 목표입니다!"

Q7. Ii Korea, Valentine's Day (Red + White Day) had passed - did you ever receive or give chocolate when you were younger?

2월은 발렌타인데이도 있는데, 어렸을 때 초콜릿을 주거나 받는 경험이 있었나요?

Junho: "Haha~ When we were young, we were all so close, so we got it from our classmates and I shared it with them, too."

Alex: "My family has a small tradition where we give chocolates to each other on Valentine's Day, so we always exchange chocolate on this day."

준호 - "어릴 때 다들 친하게 지내서 같은반 친구들한테 받기도 하고 또 저도 나눠주기도 했습니다. ㅎㅎ"
렉스 - "저희 가족은 발렌타인 데이가 되면 서로 초콜릿을 주는규칙 문화 가 있어서 항상 발렌타인 데이 때는 초콜릿을 주고 받았던 경험이 있었습니다."

Q8. Who are your favorite villains?

최애 빌런이 누구예요?

Hyeop: "I like Harley Quinn the best! I think she's a very charming and refreshing character."

Yunseong: "The choreography for 'Villain' reminds me of the Joker a lot, so I recently think the Joker is really cool. He's a romantic villain and does things in a dandy way but, because he always looks cool doing it, I think Joker is an awesome villain."

협 - "저는 할리퀸을 제일 좋아합니다! 정말 매력있고 시원한 캐릭터라고 생각합니다."
윤성 - "최애 빌런은 아무래도 저희 빌런안무에서 조커를 떠오르게 하는 동작들이 많아서 최근에 조커가 진짜 멋있다고 생각합니다. 댄디함 속에서 로맨틱과 빌런이지만 그 속에서 나오는 멋있음이 있기 때문에 조커가 멋있는 빌런인 것 같습니다."

Q9. If you could feature in a CF (commercial) in the future, what kind of CF would you want to be in?

광고를 촬영하게 된다면 어떤 광고를 하고 싶나요?

Changuk: "I want to advertise clothing like suits." (After seeing the above picture, it makes sense!!)
Dongyun: "I want to shoot a ramen commercial."

창욱 - "저는 슈트같은 의류를 광고를 해보고 싶습니다."
동윤 - "라면 광고를 찍어보고 싶습니다."

Interested in learning more about DRIPPIN? Check their social media and past interviews here!

Q10. Any messages for our readers?

마지막으로 팬들에게 한마디 해주세요

Minseo: "Dreaming~ Let's meet more and more often *crying* Really, thank you so much and I love you." <3
Junho: "Thank you for always waiting and loving everything about DRIPPIN. We will show you better performances and good music again. I love you."

민서 - "드리밍~ 우리 자주자주 만나요ㅠㅠㅜ 진짜 너무 감사하고 너무 사랑해요 <3"
준호 - "늘 기다려주고 드리핀의 모든 모습을 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다 꼭 더 좋은모습 좋은음악 보여드릴게요. 사랑해요."

What do you think of DRIPPIN's new appearance as Villains? Are their evil master plan of K-Pop domination working? The catchy chorus already has me brainwashed and listening on repeat! Don't forget to watch their fan greeting video and show your love and support for the group.

Special thanks and promotional credits to MJTONZ. All images used in this article belong to the respective agencies and promotional teams.


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