LUMINOUS Share Which Country They Want To Promote in + Favorite Songs From Their Mini-Albums [Interview]

Boy group LUMINOUS are shining a bright light on the K-Pop scene as the quartet endlessly strike while the iron is hot this year and especially last. Although they may be fresh faces, the four handsome boys have cemented their name in the industry.

Officially debuting on September 9th, 2021 with the album "YOUTH" and the lead single "RUN," the boys have met with success both in Korea and internationally.

Despite their debut involving member alterations, concept revamp (they were originally a heavily hip-hop focused group!), name change (originally known as DS BOYS), and battling the issues of Coronavirus, members Suil, Steven, Youngbin and Woobin remained strong and solidified their place as popular K-Pop idols.

See how their latest comeback "All Eyes Down" is giving fans everywhere goosebumps!

As expected, "All Eyes Down" garnered attention due to its adrenaline-filled opening and repetitious climactic hook that emphasize the powerful lyrics of survival and gathering all your strength at the moment. The song has a more edgy and noisy instrumental in comparison to their smooth debut song "RUN" (which I keep on repeat till this day) and gentle track "Home Alone," which makes their recent comeback track refreshingly standout among their long repertoire of songs.

Now, LUMINOUS had fun answering our questions and shared the endless efforts they put into this comeback, how much they care for their fans, as well as some personal goals.

It is just the beginning but LUMINOUS have a lot in store for the future - check it out below alongside their personal fan greeting.

Q1. LUMINOUS debuted in 2021 but the group has already released over 4 MVs, title songs, and a second mini-album. How do you feel about all your hard work and efforts this year?

루미너스가 2021년에 데뷔했는데 MV 4개, 타이틀곡 2개 그리고 미니 2집까지 있지요. 올해의 했던 노력과 고생에 대한 소감을 알려주세요.

LUMINOUS: "It feels like LUMINOUS debuted only yesterday, but a lot of new songs have been released and we feel very proud of our work in 2021 and we are grateful we can show the fans all of our hard work in 2022. Looking at the results, it is not just hard work - we also remember the good moments and feel like working harder and stronger. Thank you so much to the fans who love us."

LUMINOUS: "데뷔가 엊그제 같은데 새삼스럽게 많은 작품들을 낸 거 같아서 굉장히 뿌듯하고 2021년, 2022년에 고생했던만큼 좋은 모습들을 보여드릴 수 있다는 게 감사합니다. 결과물을 내면서 힘든 점 뿐만아니라 좋은 점이 새록새록 기억이 나고 앞으로 더 열심히 해야겠다는 생각이 더 강하게 드는 것 같습니다. 저희를 사랑해주시는 팬분들께 정말 감사드립니다."

Q2. Tell us which song you hold most dear to your heart.

지금까지 해왔던 곡 중에 제일 마음에 드는 곡을 알려주세요.

Suil: "When I first received the song 'Blind' I thought it would be very challenging, but the song came out so well that I really like it."
Steven: "'Want It More?' was difficult to make feel lively during the recordbing, but later on when the song was released I really liked it!"

수일: "섬광증(blind)를 처음 받았을 때 굉장히 도전적이라고 생각했는데 노래가 너무 잘 나와서 마음에 듭니다."

스티븐: "Want it more? 녹음 할 때 느낌을 살리는 것이 어렵고 힘들었지만 나중에 노래가 나왔을 때 굉장히 마음에 들었습니다."

Q3. You had your long-awaited 'All Eyes Down' showcase back on January 19th despite the difficulties of Coronavirus. How did it feel to be back on stage in front of your fans?

코로나를 인해 있는 어려움에도 불구하고 1월 19일에 "All Eyes Down" 쇼케이스를 했는데 이렇게 팬들 앞에서 무대를 서 있는 소감을 알려주세요.

LUMINOUS: "Despite the COVID-19 situation, we were really touched to see the fans who came to see us in person. I felt the same at last year's mini-fan concert too, but I was really happy to meet with fans in person and show our performances. Although we couldn't hear the cheers, we all felt the support from fans and I think we finished successfully. I also think it's a unique and good memory to be able to start promoting a new album together with the fans."

LUMINOUS: "코로나 상황인데도 불구하고 저희를 보러 직접 와주신 팬분들을보고 정말 감동받았습니다.
작년 미니팬콘서트에서도 느꼈지만 직접 팬분들의 눈을 맞추고 저희의 무대를 보여드릴 수 있어서 정말 행복했고 함성을 듣지 못하지만 팬분들의 응원이 잘 느껴졌고 또 팬분들의 기운을 받아서 성공적으로 잘 끝낸 거 같습니다. 또 새로운 앨범의 시작을 팬분들과 함께 할 수 있어서 색다르고 좋은 추억이라고 생각합니다."

Q4. Is there one word you can use to describe your music?

루미너스의 음악을 한 단어로 설명한다면?

Woobin: "Youthful!"

Youngbin: "Comforting~"

우빈 : "청춘!"
영빈 : "위로~"

Q5. How do you prevent burnout and reduce your stress during such hectic schedules?

번아웃 어떻게 방지하거나 스트레스를 줄이는 방식이 있나요?

Youngbin: "I read a book to calm myself down or I play games to relieve stress."
Woobin: "I spend some time alone."

영빈: "저는 책을 읽으면서 마음을 가라 앉히거나 게임을 하면서 스트레스를 해소합니다."
우빈: "혼자만의 시간을 가지려고합니다."

Q6. Although you're always working hard, do you have any new personal goals for this new year?

항상 모든걸 열심히 하는데 올해의 개인 목표를 알려주세요.

Youngbin: "My personal goal for this year is to make LUMINOUS more known and to win first place on a music program."
Suil: "To have many albums and be busy with diverse activities that capture the eyes of the public."
Steven: "My personal goal is to take good care of my health and work hard in everything I can do."
Woobin: "My personal goal for this year is to showcase any performances with no regrets. If we can do that a lot, it would be wonderful."

영빈: "저의 올해 개인목표는 저희 루미너스가 더 알려질수 있도록 노력하고 더 나아가 1등을 하는 게 목표입니다."
수일: "좋은 앨범과 활발하고 다양한 활동으로 많은 대중분들에게 눈도장을 찍는 것입니다."
스티븐: "저의 개인 목표는 건강을 챙기면서 뭐든 열심히 하는 게 목표입니다."
우빈: "올해의 개인 목표는 어떤 무대를 하든 후회 없는 무대를 하고 내려오는 횟수가 많았으면 좋겠습니다."

Q7. What do you think about Valentine's Day - did you ever receive or give chocolate when you were younger?

2월이니 발렌타인이잖아요. 어렸을 때 초콜릿을 주거나 받는 경험이 있나요?

Youngbin: "When I was in elementary school, I shared chocolate with my classmates on Valentine's Day and I remember eating chocolate together."
Steven: "I remember exchanging chocolates amongst friends in church."

영빈: "저는 초등학생 때 발렌타인데이에 반 친구들에게 초콜릿을 하나씩 나눠주고 같이 먹은 기억이 있습니다."
스티븐: "교회에서 친구들끼리 서로서로 초콜릿을 주고 받던 기억이 있습니다."

Sadly, this must mean the boys aren't currently exchanging chocolate with anyone else - hurry fans, send them some love and chocolate!

Q8. If you can visit any country right now for a showcase, which one would you like to go to first?

만일 해외에서 쇼케이스를 할 수 있다면 어느 나라에 가장 먼저 가고 싶어요?

LUMINOUS: "Out of all the countries, it's too hard to choose one. If we have a chance, we'll perform in many countries and it would be great if we could play music for our fans."

LUMINOUS: "수 많은 나라 중에 한 곳을 정하기 어렵네요. 기회가 된다면 많은 나라에서 저희의 무대와
음악을 들려드릴 수 있으면 정말 좋을 거 같습니다."

Q9. If you could feature in a CF in the future, what kind of CF would you want to be in?

다음에 광고를 맡게 된다면 어떤 광고를 하고 싶어요?

Suil: "I usually enjoy playing games, so I would like to advertise games."
Woobin: "I would want to do a liquor commercial. It's like a symbol of stars, so I really want to shoot that kind of advertisement."

수일: "평소에 게임을 즐겨해서 게임 광고 해보고 싶습니다."
우빈: "주류 광고입니다. 스타들의 상징 같은 광고라서 꼭 찍어보고 싶습니다."

Q10. Any messages for our readers?

팬들에게 한마디 부탁드립니다.

LUMINOUS: "In four months, LUMINOUS has returned with our album 'Self n Ego.' There are so many good songs on this album that are enjoyable to the eyes and ears, so please give it a lot of love. Thank you for always waiting for us and thank you for your patience and love. We'll be back with better performances and appearances so please look forward to it and show LUMINOUS a lot of interest! We love you!"

LUMINOUS: "루미너스가 4개월만에 '빛과 어둠 사이(Self n Ego)'로 돌아왔습니다. 정말 좋은 곡들이 가득하고 눈과 귀가 즐거운 앨범이니 많은 사랑부탁드립니다. 또 저희 루미너스를 항상 기다려주시고 사랑해주셔서 감사드립니다. 앞으로 더 좋은 모습으로 찾아뵐 테니 기대해주시고 많은 관심 부탁드립니다! 사랑해요!"

Such wonderful answers from a wonderful group, right? Before finishing, the boys of LUMINOUS left one more heartfelt message for their fans! Check it out here ~

So what do you think of LUMINOUS and their new comeback from the album "Self N Ego" - any song that was your favorite? Without pause, the four boys keep pushing forward and will continue to not only repay the love and support they receive from fans but also make beautiful music everyone can enjoy.

Don't forget to show your support for LUMINOUS by listening to their new album and learning more about them here!

Special thanks and promotional credits to MJTONZ. All images used in this article belong to the respective agencies and promotional teams.


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