'Game Of Thrones' Creator Says 'I Want Viewers To Be Afraid' As he Plans Surprise Season Finale [Spoilers & Video]

Game of Thornes creator, George RR Martin, says he wants fans "to be afraid" as he plots out the season finale of the popular HBO sci-fi show based off Martin's best-selling Fire and Ice series of books.

The 65-year-old creator of Game of Thrones, has had a hand in the television adaptation and he recently spoke to Fox News about what he's trying to do to the Game of Thrones audience.

"As a reader or a viewer, I always like unexpected things. We've all seen the movies where the hero's in trouble ... but you know he's going to get away.

"I want my readers and viewers to be afraid when my characters are in danger."

This fearlessness with his most beloved characters can get a bit awkward on set when Martin has to inform actors and actresses they may well be dying soon.

The recent "Red Wedding" episode is a case in point with many of the show's primary characters--including most of the Stark clan--killed off during a morbid wedding assassination plot.

Martin talked about hanging out around Game of Thrones actors who are about to be killed, but don't know it yet:

"We recently had the premiere for the third season, and at one point at the party, I found myself talking with three actors - some of whom I was just meeting - and I realized they were all dead!

"One of them knew it, but the other two didn't. They would have known if they'd read the books!

"There was one actress who, at that same party, said, 'Please don't kill me!' And I know that she does die, so I felt very guilty.'

But Martin also said the Game of Thrones showrunners, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, have switched some things up from his books,

"[The show runners] have been known to make changes, including in the 'Red Wedding'. ... They turned it up to 11.

"There are at least four characters who are dead on the TV show who are alive in the books still. So we'll see. Meanwhile, I'm writing very fast because my great fear is that [the show] will catch up to me."

Martin's Fire and Ice series which the show is based on still hasn't reached it's conclusion even though he started the series of sci-fi books in 1996.

George is hard at work on the sixth book of the seven part series, called The Winds of Winter which will be around 1500 words long.

He also admitted he already has an appropriately grand scheme on how to conclude his epic tale, though he said the show could reach a completely different conclusion.

The Game of Thrones creator also sat for an interview last year, and earlier this week with Conan O'Brien, so check him out below.

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