Farewell Letters Of Hitler's Bride, Eva Braun, Found

Eva Braun's farewell letters may have been discovered. A new book, "The Women of the Nazis," has details of farewell letters of Braun, Hitler's bride, written to her friend days before she died.

Eva Braun and Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin bunker in April 1945 as the Red Army approached, about 40 hours after getting married. Shortly before her death, according to Anna Maria Sigmund, Braun wrote letters to her friend to Herta Schneider.

"I have no doubt that the letters are genuine and Eva Braun has typed them, correcting her faults by hand," Sigmund said.

She got the letters from the heirs of Herta Schneider and was able to copy them before they were sold to a documents collector.

The letters show the final days Braun and Hitler spent in the bunker.

In one, Braun writes that she is "very happy right now to be close to him" but that "'We already hear the artillery fire from the eastern front and bombs fall from attack planes every day."

The letters hint at Hitler's moodiness, saying "I am convinced that everything will turn out all right in the end and he is hopeful as he seldom is."

Adolf Hitler kept his relationship with Eva Braun secret from the public during his reign, because he believed that being "married" to the nation would be more well-regarded.  Sigmund says that in private, she feels Hitler and Braun had a "fairly normal" sex life and relationship.

The farewell letters trace a course from optimism to hopelessness Hitler and his allies felt while in the bunker. "Eva Braun reflects the change of mood in the Führerbunker over four days - the vague hope on the 19th and the despair of April 22.", Sigmund says.

Indeed, towards the end, a letter reads, "We are fighting here until the last but I'm afraid the end is threatening closer and closer."

Braun and Hitler died, along with Hitler's beloved dog, Blondi, on April 30, 1945.

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