Octomom Being Investigated For Welfare Fraud; Made $200,000 And Collected Benefits

Octomom is being investigated for welfare fraud. Authorities have begun to contact Octomom's former employers and gather financial records to find out how much money she was making.

Because Octomom has eight zillion kids (ok, 14), she can make $119,000 a year and get welfare. Authorities say she may have made $200,000 a year-and still been collecting state and federal benefits.

Recently, the L.A. County Dept. of Welfare Fraud Prevention and Investigation (WFP&I) was contacted by an anonymous source alleging that "Octomom" Nadya Suleman was claiming welfare benefits despite making far more than the minimum amount necessary.

If she is found guilty of welfare fraud, she could be prosecuted and face up to three years in prison.

Investigators are now contacting Octo's employers, asking for records of how much she made and if they know of any other employers. They're also collecting bank statements, cancelled checks, and wire transfer receipts to gather financial data.

Nadya Suleman was dubbed "Octomom" after having octuplets and fourteen total children due to repeated IVF treatments.

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