E3 2013: ‘Watch Dogs’ Trailer Leaked Hours Before The Gaming Press Conference; Release Date Confirmed

Watch Dogs trailer has been exposed online just hours before its show at E3 2013.

Ubisoft is set to have its press conference schedule today for the E3 2013 but a trailer for its flagship next generation game, the Watch Dogs, was leaked before its show starts and its stunning and very impressive. The video shows the main game character, Aidan Pearce, spying a target who is into human trafficking and then, infiltrated his base. He used his smart phone as his hacking device before he started the shootout against the target.

Watch the exposed trailer of Watch Dogs here:

ComputerAndVideoGames site made a poll to find out which is the most anticipated game to be unveiled during the E3 2013 event that will happen this week. Watch Dogs made it to the 2nd spot with an 8.1 from a ten-point score. Battlefield is the winner of the CVG poll.

Ubisoft's Watch Dogs' release date is confirmed. The game will be available on November 19 in North America and for its European release, it is set to hit the market on November 22. Aside from launching the game for Sony's PlayStation 4, the Ubisoft's game will also be available for users of PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. The version of specifically Watch Dogs made for PlayStations will feature an hour of exclusive gameplay

The full gameplay demo for Watch Dogs' trailer is scheduled during Ubisoft's E3 2013 press show that will happen tonight, 11 pm. Some other gaming giants to participate in the E3 2013 show are Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc.

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