Hillary Clinton Twitter Handle: Former Secretary Of State Joins Site, Touts ‘Hair Icon’ And ‘Pantsuit Aficionado’ In Profile

The former secretary of state, inspired by the creators of the tumblr “Texts From Hillary,” is officially on Twitter with a verified account. She’s using the Twitter handle @HillaryClinton.

In a matter of hours the former first lady racked up more than 100,000 followers according to Fox News.

Hillary Clinton opted for a humorous bio in her profile, writing “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD...” Her official URL is the official website of the Clinton Foundation, an organization her husband former President Bill Clinton founded.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate’s profile pic shows the infamous photo of a stern-looking Clinton wearing dark sunglasses and reading her Blackberry while on a military plane. It was taken while was the head of the State Department during President Barack Obama's first term.

It was also the image that was used for the viral sensation Tumblr account, “Texts From Hillary.” It was originally taken by photographer Diana Walker for Time Magazine.

“Thanks for the inspiration @ASmith83 & @Sllambe - I'll take it from here... #tweetsfromhillary.” was the first tweet from the official Hillary Clinton Twitter account. At the time of this writing, it has been retweeted more than 8,000 times.

The five Twitter accounts she’s following includes the accounts of the Clinton School at the University of Arkansas, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative and the official twitter accounts of her husband and her daughter, Chelsea Clinton.

Acknowledging his wife’s entry to the social network, the former president tweeted, “Does @Twitter have a family share plan? Great to be here with @HillaryClinton & @ChelseaClinton. Looking forward to #tweetsfromhillary.”

According to Fox News, supporters and opponents immediately tweeted out messages to her handle, with some encouraging her to run for president.

Some of the well-wishers includes talk show host Larry King, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. None of them was followed back by Hillary Clinton.

Twitter could become an effective medium for Clinton, who has kept a relatively low profile since departing the State Department earlier this year, as noted by Fox News.

The incumbent president used Twitter throughout his re-election campaign to connect with his millions of followers and urge them to support his campaign.

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