Health Care Reform June 2013 Update: Democrats Tour Country To Sell Obamacare

Despite skepticism about Obamacare, Democrats are trying to convince Americans of its benefits.

The health care reform bill passed three years ago, but it's gone through many changes. Now, Barack Obama and other Democrats are going across the country to educate people about the plan.

Volunteers will be going door to door to try to sign up millions of uninsured Americans. And Obama is touring the nation to speak about the benefits of the plan. Recently, he focused on the promise of lower premiums in California, which has the largest insurance market.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and other lawmakers are trying to get companies to donate money to a group working to get the program running.

People didn't like Social Security, and only about 51% of the country thinks Obamacare is a good idea. Democrats say that they "have no choice but to sell the law to the public because Republicans and their allies are aggressively spreading misinformation, discouraging people from enrolling and refusing the additional money the administration says is needed to implement the changes," according to a Tri-City Herald Article.

"The Republicans in Congress are hellbent on doing whatever they can to help this fail," said Mo Elleithee, Democratic political consultant.

Republicans have voted 37 times to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, since 2010.

"It's basic trench warfare," said Stuart Altman, an economist and specialist in health care policy at Brandeis University. "It's symbolic of the split in the country."

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