Ozzy Osbourne Admits 'I Have Been Drinking Taking Drugs' & Black Sabbath's New Album With Ozzy: '13'

Black Sabbath have a new album out today, "13 [Deluxe Edition]," and with the first Black Sabbath Ozzy Osbourne pairing since 1978, he's opened up about his drug relapse over the last year. 

He recently submitted a post on Facebook where he opened up about his drug and drink relapse and shot down rumors that his recent alcohol and drug consumption was related to marital troubles with wife, Sharon Osbourne.

He said in the Facebook post:

"For the last year and a half I have been drinking and taking drugs. I was in a very dark place and was an asshole to the people I love most, my family.

"However, I am happy to say that I am now 44 days sober. Just to set the record straight, Sharon and I are not divorcing. I'm just trying to be a better person," he continued.

"I would like to apologize to Sharon, my family, my friends and my band mates for my insane behavior during this period...and my fans. God Bless, Ozzy."

The Guardian has a large profile up about Black Sabbath after they released their first album with Ozzy Osbourne since 1978. Ozzy credits leaving the band with his still being alive after years of drug and alcohol abuse.

The Guardian profile of Black Sabbath did feature some tawdry tales of debauchery though. To wit (via Newser):

  • What finally got Butler to "start going off drugs"? When someone spiked his drink with acid, and he tried to jump out the hotel window. "Tony and Bill [Ward, the original drummer] had to hold me down," he says.
  • Osbourne would frequently go AWOL, his bandmates remember. "I didn't believe it when they said I had blackouts," says Ozzy. "I'd look at my watch and it would say four o'clock. Then I'd look again and it would say 9.30. I'd totally forget where I'd been or what I'd done."
  • Ultimately, Osbourne says, "I ended up losing my mind." His bandmates say he would have died if he hadn't left the band 35 years ago.
  • Despite the crazy rumors, "We were never really into the occult," Osbourne says. "It was a hobby, until we started getting invites to black-magic rites in cemeteries. Then I got accused of doing this and biting that and there would be people picketing the arena with banners."

Sharon Osbourne has also spoken out about Ozzy's alcohol and drug relapse and how that affected Ozzy's relationship with her and his family. She said in a U.S. interview with Extra:

"I knew he was drinking occasionally, but didn't realise the extent. We're dealing with it."

Sharon continued saying she's not getting divorced from Ozzy Osbourne, "We're not getting divorced. However, I am devastated right now."

But she wasn't going to let Ozzy Osbourne off the hook for how he's hurt her and his family. 

"It's a disease that not only hurts the person who has the disease, but it hurts the family. It hurts the people who love you."

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