Amanda Bynes News 2013: Nickelodeon Pop Star Is ‘More Gangster Than Drake,’ Chinga Chang Record Label Says, Offering Her Rap Album Deal

Amanda Bynes has been offered a record deal with start-up rap label Chinga Chang Records, and the company's producer said the troubled Nickelodeon pop star is "more gangster than Drake, according to an interview with RadarOnline.

Daniel Herman, the producer of the East Coast-based hip-hop rap label, first extended an offer to Amanda Bynes on Monday for a deal with his recording company, according to RadarOnline.

He reportedly told the website that he consulted with Sony Entertainment, The Orchard and her attorney to solidify the deal.

"The fact that Amanda wants to do hip-hop music means that Chinga Chang label is the best place for her to do this, because of my past experience with bringing pop and legitimate hip-hop together," Herman told RadarOnline.

"You've got a girl that's very attractive and very talented," he told the Huffington Post.

"If you look at her actions and attitude she represents hip-hop a lot better than Drake. Musically, this girl carries herself. She is hip-hop ... She is not crazy, she is not on drugs. She's just hip-hop! She's a great talent who is going to make some great records with some classic producers."

Amanda Bynes' offer comes weeks after she turned down a job offer with Playboy Radio because she wanted to focus on pursuing her rap career and become a well-known singer within the hip-hop scene.

While Bynes has not publicly announced accepting the deal, she did post an message on Twitter that might indicate which direction she'll follow:

 "Look forward to seeing me in music videos!" she posted on Twitter.

"I'm getting in shape and getting a nose job! I'm looking forward to a long and wonderful career as a singer/rapper!"

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