Apple iOS 7 Release Rumors Update: Siri, Talking Virtual Personal Assistant, Could Become More Accurate

Siri, the talking virtual personal assistant featured on new versions of the iPhone, could become smarter and more accurate in its iOS 7 release, according to the International Business Times.

"Even though it's been less than two years since Siri popularized the virtual personal assistant in 2011, Apple's competitors, particularly Google, have eclipsed the Siri in both speed and functionality," an article published by the International Business Times read.

"When Google added the voice function to its Search app in iOS last year, Google's downloadable third-party app became effectively faster, smarter, more accurate and more helpful than Apple's baked-in software, which has proved something of an embarrassment for the engineers in Cupertino."

Following the release of Google's version of Siri, the speed of Apple's talking virtual assistant and accuracy in responses did not compare to its rival.

Apple, who acknowledged Google's counterpart as a threat to Siri's capabilities, has engineers working on making Siri's functions more human. The company's CEO, Tim Cook, discussed the future possibilities at the D10 Conference in 2012, the International Business Times reports.

"If Apple gives Siri a contextual brain in iOS 7, she could easily catch up to Google Voice Search. If Siri could discern its owner's voice and also remember past questions and preferences, Siri could truly become a personal assistant," the article read.

"With advanced AI that could remember what allergies a user has, or what restaurants a person has visited, Siri in iOS 7 could have unlimited potential, especially in the medical industry. Most sick people don't need a doctor, just medical advice. If Siri can take answers from WebMD or the Internet in iOS 7, users could save themselves a great deal of time and money."

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