Failure Mother DIna Lohan Talks Amanda Bynes; Lindsay's Mom Should Focus On Own Rehab Daughter[VIDEO]

Dina Lohan, mother of Lindsay Lohan has something to say about Amanda Bynes. I'm not being one to stick up for Amanda Bynes, but the parent of rehab bound Lindsay Lohan has no right sticking her nose in Amanda Bynes business. Stick to your own troubled family Dina!

Dina called in to VH1's The Gossip Table to talk with co-anchor Rob Shuter about Amanda Bynes, first saying: 'You know, as Lindsay's mom, I don't really want to comment.'

But when pressed to talk about Amanda, Dina eventually added: 'I pray that she's okay.

'And you know I believe, you know, 95 percent of what I read, possibly, out of a hundred. I don't know her, honestly, so I just pray she's okay.'

Rob then asked Dina: 'But you sort of lived this with your family and it being so public... like it must be [difficult] having this in the spotlight.'

Lindsay Lohan's parent replied: 'Yeah you know, so much of it is. Can I say B.S. on air?

'I know the truth and I know what's going on with my family. It's just personal stuff. We are doing really really well. I actually have four children. Not just one. We're just a normal Merrick [New York] family.'

When asked if she would ever talk to Amanda on air, she replied: "Actually, it would be kind of cool to be on the other side. We'd call it Truth Serum or something."

Dina Lohan is the mosther to Lindsay Lohan, the SECOND biggest train wreck in Hollywood, following Bynes. SO what right does Dina have to comment on anything Bynes does!

Daughter Lindsay Lohan is currently undergoing 90 days of court-ordered rehabilitation treatment at a facility in Rancho Mirage, California, after pleading 'no contest' to lying to police about driving during a car accident last June.

Lindsay's current stint in rehab is her sixth in total after a series of run ins with the law.

Failure of a mother, Dina Lohan, should concentrate on her own family and lay off another child. Doesn't she have enough to deal with with just Lindsay?


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