High School Gay Teen Comes Out In Graduation Speech: Honors Luna Lovegood, Zachary Quinto, Lady Gaga, and Beyonce

Mitch Anderson, a graduating Texan student from Belton High School, recently came out as gay during his graduation speech on Thursday to the support of his parents and his peers, in addition to naming the likes of Luna Lovegood, Zachary Quinto, and Nicki Minaj as inspirations.

"Learning how to love and celebrate yourself is one of the most crucial and difficult aspects of life. To know who you truly are is the first step to enlightenment, to happiness," began Anderson at the Bell County Expo.

"I myself am guilty of self-doubt, relying on others to give my life definition. But that time has passed, and I feel the moment has arrived for me to be publically true to my personal identity. So now, I can say, I'm gay."

After the speech, his parents were nothing but supportive, saying "I love you" and hugging their son, according to Gawker.

"I've received so much support and kindness," Anderson said.

"Knowing that [people] found the speech inspirational has been really amazing."

Anderson is set to attend the University of Texas at Austin as an aspirating doctor, but not before dropping a few famous names to celebrate the image of being unique and true to oneself.

"I have a few final, closing thoughts, before I turn over the podium. First, I find Zachary Quinto's eyebrows very attractive. Second, I would like to be friends with Lady Gaga and Beyoncé Knowles-Carter," he continued.

"And third, I would like everyone to remember that "Starships were meant to fly, Hands up and touch the sky, Can't stop 'cause we're so high, let's do this one more time."

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