Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus Taking Relationship To Next Level Now Hooking Up

Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus were spotted leaving the club after 2 a.m. this past Sunday, and Bieber's leopard Audi was also seen leaving her house on Saturday before their "flirty" rendezvous.

According to TMZ, Bieber and the "We Can't Stop" Twerker, were seen at Beacher's Madhouse at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles in the early morning hours this past Sunday.

Cyrus was at the popular celebrity hang out spot first. TMZ was told that Cyrus is a bit of a regular around there, so her presence wasn't that big of a deal.

But around 1:50 a.m., Bieber stopped in at the club with his posse wearing what has become his trademark tank top and slightly askew baseball cap, not to mention a befuddled countenance in most of TMZ's photos. 

TMZ claims they have eyewitnesses who said Cyrus and Bieber were flirting with each other for the 15 minutes they were together, and then some time after 2 in the morning, they both left.

The exited the swanky celeb bar together to a destination unknown even to the prying eyes of TMZ.

Earlier the Saturday before, Bieber's conspicuous leopard-print Audi was seen leaving Cyrus' home.


Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are friends.

But since Miley Cyrus' relationship with her former fiancé Liam Hemsworth has been on the rocks for months and she's been seen both with and without her wedding band, Bieber has been a good counter to Liam's apathetic approach to his Miley engagement.

Bieber and Cyrus been spending more time in the studio together, and Bieber's breakup with Selena Gomez might mean Cyrus and Bieber can do what they've possibly wanted to do for some time: finally hook up.

If this weekend's timeline from TMZ is any indication, they're already in the hot and heavy dirty hook up before the sun comes up stage.

We can't wait until this escalates.  

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