Katy Perry Robert Pattinson Dating While Kristen Stewart Remains Celibate [Video]

Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson have been out and about since Pattinson's split from "Twilight" costar, Kristen Stewart. But Stewart isn't dating at all, in the hopes Pattinson comes back to her.

A source told HollywoodLife that Kristen Stewart is still madly in love with her vampire co-star.

"She is still in love with Rob," the insider close to Kristen says. "As far as her wanting to date anyone else, the answer is 100 percent absolutely not."

Not only is Pattinson hobnobbing with Perry--who may be getting back to together with former flame, John Mayer--but it's reported that Leonard DiCaprio wants Pattinson to pull himself together and rent a house near him in Miami.

It was reported in the Sun,

"Leo rang him and told him to have a shave, put on some nice clothes and rent a house near him in Miami for the summer.

"He told Rob he's too young to settle down and ought to sow his wild oats."

Pattinson is not "the sort of guy … [to] play the field," but the Sun says he was tempted.

And the rumors that Kristen Stewart is mad at Katy Perry and reportedly told her to "back off [my man]," they're apparently false.

A Stewart source told HollywoodLife, "Rob and Katy have always been better friends and she doesn't think there is any type of romance going on between them."

For now, Stewart appears to be moving on, even if she's not moving into the bed of someone else. 

HollywoodLife again reports that an inside source near Stewart said she knows it's really over.

"She pretty much knows that at this point there is nothing she can do to win him back."

The source continued, "Kristen and Rob are just in different places."

The Snow White And The Huntsman protagonist (who famously cheated on Rob with the director) feels "terribly," with the insider going on it say it "feels like a part of her has died."

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan might be living happily ever after in the Twilight series, but Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are officially through (unless they aren't. 

Now if only Rob and Katy Perry would get together...

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