Cloistered Nun Of 86 Years Dies At 105 Years Old

After 86 years of service to her monastery, a cloistered nun, Sister Teresita Barajuen, has died. At 105 years of age, Barajuen is believed to hold the world record for the longest amount of years being cloistered in a monastery. She entered the Buenafuente del Sistal monastery at the age of 19 and only left a few times during her time there.

She left the monastery for the first time in over 40 years when former Pope Benedict XVI visited Madrid in 2011. This a big moment for Barajuen, as she began serving at the monastery on the same day that Pope Benedict XVI was born.

It is difficult enough to understand the lives of those who are so different from us, so, to fully understand Barajuen's devotion, an understanding of what nuns must go through to remain committed to their lives is necessary. If a woman chooses to dedicate her life to being a nun, she must confine herself to the cloister to which she has committed herself and renounce all of her materialistic possessions. Then, she must observe the religious practices of the particular convent to which she belongs while also working to support the convent through the sale of baked goods or other items.

Even the thought of such a commitment is overwhelming, unfathomable to some, but Barajuen did it for 86 years. Though she was pressured to undertake the life of a nun by her conservative family, Barajuen's loyalty to the life she led was unparalleled.

Her decades of dedication will surely not go unnoticed. Barajuen will most likely receive a blessing from the Pope for her 86 years of service. Her life is cause to take a moment and find some perspective. People are constantly rushing, day to day, from one thing to the next, but Barajuen, for 86 years, did no rushing at all. In fact, she took each moment to focus on something bigger and more powerful than all of us. 

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